This, is how it started......

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So my name............
   Cucu was the main start of it. She was using this one thing on Pinterest that was called, "what is your anime name". With that she found all of our friends names from school and told us. However Zuka is only half of my actual name from that post and it's not even my actual JAPANESE name. My username before was my ACTUAL name, which was a pretty bad idea. But I'm not a very creative pickle. I really liked mine so I decided to change it to Zuka-Chan. At that time on Pinterest I only had like 40 followers so it wouldn't really matter too much. Later when I got a Wattpad I just for some reason added two numbers, which I can't remember whyXD. Wow I feel like Kayaba. Anyway, I'm still not completely satisfied with my name, but it's a little too late to change it. I just got a DeviantArt and used my Japanese name for it.
But yeah..... That's the story of my name. It's kinda dum. And long, but ah well.
Anyway I was tagged by Cucumber-Chan
Here are the people I tag:

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