The Journey Begins...

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Note: Picture 👆 Up top is Cara with her bow and arrow...

Hanako POV:
I walked through the forest with Cara, holding tree branches in my hands.
I had to bring back tree branches so Hiro could start a fire for the night.
Cara stopped walking...

"What's wrong?" I asked
"I don't sense Hiro's presence anymore!" She said and ran towards our secret spot. I dropped the branches and ran with her. I looked and saw Hiro's staff laying on the ground.
There was a note beside it. I picked it up.
To: Hanako and Cara

I have been kidnapped by the Ice Queen of the Frozen Lands of Sekai. It's a whole other dimension... Apparently, I was kidnapped to marry the Queen's evil daughter Musume. The Ice Queen says I will NOT be returning. DONT come after me, stay together! The Lands of Sekai are too dangerous.

I love you, Hiro

I showed Cara the note and looked at her. Waiting for an answer.

Cara POV:
"We ARE going to rescue your brother. Nobody should have to marry that witch of a women. He should marry whoever he wants!" I said and stood up on a stone like a hero.

"Like you?" Hanako said and waggled her eyebrows.

I blushed and yelled "No! That will NEVER happen! Gross!"
One day soon... I thought myself.

"Ok come on, let's go to Reiko she will  make us a portal to go to Sekai." Hanako said and started packing supplies and food. I looked at the sky and sighed.

We're coming for you Hiro!

Hiro POV:
I sat in the back of the Queen's carriage, across from the Queen and Musume. Musume looked at me and smiled awkwardly. "Mom I don't want to marry anyone!" She whispered in the Queen's ear.

"Well you have to rule with a king!" The Queen said.
"Didn't poisoning my last boyfriend, give you a sign! I don't want to rule!" Musume yelled at her mom.

I sweat dropped... Oh shit..I thought to myself. Musume looked at me again and then glared at her mother.

I smiled at her and pretended to look out the window, while they continued whispering.

Musume POV:
(I can't Frickin believe my mom got another boyfriend for me! Well at least this one's cute) I thought to myself and smirked. I got up and sat next to my future husband.

"Do you really want to marry me and be king?" I asked him and looked at his brown eyes.
"I don't know, you seem cool for a so-called evil chick from Sekai..." He said and shrugged.

You bastard! I thought to myself and glared out the window.

"Well at least I don't have Frickin antlers!" I muttered and glared at him.
"I don't know what your talking about. My antlers are sexy." He said and waggled his eyebrows.
"You idiot!" I said and looked away.

So true! Whatever he's a idiot!I thought and blushed like a tomato. This I going to be a weird week before the wedding...

A/N : Ok guys! That's the first chapter of "Finding My Brother". Please don't be a silent reader and remember to vote and maybe comment! Thanks! (^ω^)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2016 ⏰

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