He turned around and you fell on the couch."Dammit" You whisper-shouted at him."I thought you wished to contact me,"he devilishly told her."Well,yeah,but...."she broke down in tears."Stay here!"BEN demanded. She got up anyway and emailed Terra.
Hey,you know that crazy thing we read where BEN came out of the computer...Wel that's what's happening now.HELP😧
"It must not be that urgent if you have time to put an emoji," BEN was right behind you,ramen in hand.He then took your arm and glitched back to the mansion.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++This one is short,I know,but guys,it's Easter cut me some slack!
A Glitchy Love
FanfictionThis is a BEN DROWNED Fan Fiction. I knew I couldn't have the adorable creepypasta because my friend has him:/ Anyway,like always enjoy.