Wawanakwa is Back! (Part 2)

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Chris: Last time on Total Drama Return of Camp Wawanakwa, our 32 contestants were introduced and put on to two teams, The Soaring Eagles and The Ferocious Tigers! Tears were shed, friendships were challenged, and arguments broke out! The drama's really getting started! Find out what happens in our first challenge on Total Drama Return of Camp Wawanakwa!

(Theme Song)

Chris: Alright campers! WAKE UP! It's time for your first challenge! Meet me at the top of the cliff in 20 minutes! Be sure to change into your swimsuits!

(Inside the Soaring Eagles Girl's cabin)

Gwen: Seriously? We have to wake up this early! Ug! I hate this stupid show! This better not be a repeat of Season 1!

Courtney: Yeah! Chris has to face that he's out lived his usefulness. We need a new host to make new and original challenges.

Zoey: (laughing) Yeah you can say that again!

Courtney: (hops outta bed) Well, better go get changed.

(At the top of the cliff, 20 minutes later)

Chris: It's time for the challenge! And in case you were wondering, no, this will not be a repeat of Season 1's first challenge!

Gwen: Yes! Thank goodness we don't have to do that stupid challenge again!

Chris: Actually Gwen, it will be exactly like that challenge but with even more death defying risks! Each team member will have to jump off the cliff and into the water where they will search for a little seahorse! You will have 30 seconds to try and catch one and bring it to shore! Each team member will get one shot at this and for every baby seahorse you find, you get one point! Watch out for hungry sharks that I haven't fed since... well actually I've never fed them! The team with the most amount of points in the end wins!

Gwen: (rolls eyes) Of course, Chris.

Scott: Are you kidding me? It just had to be sharks!

Chris: Yep! And if you refuse to dive, your team loses a point! Alright? Begin guys!

(The Soaring Eagles)

Emma: Alright team! Who's going first?

Noah: Oooh! I'll go first! Cuz its something only a really brave person would do.

Jacques: Or a really stupid person.

Emma: Shut it! Don't talk to my Noah like that! Now let's hurry up guys! No-ah distractions!

Noah: Um... Did you just say...

Jacques: Just go already! (pushes Noah off the cliff) Enjoy your swim!

Josee: (laughing) Nice one Jacques!

Noah: (splashes into the water and a shark beats him up. Swims back up to the top gasping for air) Not cool Jaq!

Chris: And Noah's 30 seconds are up! Next!

(The Ferocious Tigers)

Sky: Alright everyone! I volunteer to go first!

Lightning: Nah. I'll go first! Sha-Bam!

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