This is a book about an owl and her diary its cool and you should get them in real life they are called Owl Diaries please read it and thank you dear readers
Hi Diary, I told lucy about my big plan on our dlight to school tonight.
Me:i am going to organize the first-ever ...Treetop Owlemwntary BLOOMTASTIC FESTIVAL! me:it's going to be feather-flapping good!There will be fun contests-a talent show,a bake-off,a fashion show,and an art show! And ill make prizes!
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Lucy really liked my idea.
Lucy:Wow,Eva,that sounds flap-tastic! When will you ask Miss Featherbottom about it!
Me:Tonight.But i'm a bit scared she won't like my idea.
Lucy:Oh,Eva! She'll LOVE it!it sounds like a lot of work. But it is a great idea! I went to see Miss Featherbottom,our teacher,as soon as i got to class.
Me:we always celebrate holidays in our classroom,...Because today is the first day of spring,our class could have a spring festival! And i'd like to organize it,of that's okay?
Miss Featherbottom didn't say anithing. So i kept talking.i told her about the contests and the prizes.
Me:the festival would be called thelu0i Bloomtastic Festival.Because spring is when flowers come out-or,um,bloom.this festival would be ALL about flowers!
Finally,Miss Featherbottom smiled.
Mrs:Featherbottom:a spring festival is a fabulous idea,Eva! What a hoot! And,yes,you may be in charge. But please,dear,don't take on too much yourself.share the work.Oh,and the festival can be next Thursday.We will give out you prizes next Friday. Uh-oh,Diary.Next Thursday Is only a week away!How will i get Everything done in time?!But i'm just SO very happy that Miss Featherbottom liked my idea!YAY I told lucy everithing right before class Me:lucy,guess what!Miss Featherbottom loved my idea! Lucy:that's flaperrific,Eva! Me:but i have only seven days to get everything ready!where do i start? Lucy:make a to-do list.then you'll know what you need to get done. Lucy is the best friend EVER she always knows what to do. As soon as i got home,i wrote my to-do list: 1.paint the set of the talent show 2.set up the tables for the bake-off 3.hang frames for the art show the runway dor the fashipn show 5.Make prizes
This is a great,long list! I know one thing,Diary:i won't be bored anymore! YAY!i'm off to sleep now.Good day!