Chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to MA LITTLE TAZY!!! <3 stay strong hunny

I was still thinking about him when something hard hits my head, a spitball."OWW!!" I scream. Then I hear the famous laugh of Louis Tomlinson..... 1/4 of my bullies. " morning, bitch" he says harshly while smiling.(???) I ignored him and turned back to my maths test. Another spitball at my head...." Stop it!!" I whispered to Louis. " Miss Bright, you just earned yourself a detention!!!" My maths teacher Mrs Bigg yelled at me. The class snickered. I felt my cheeks heat up. "Sorry, mrs Bigg." I said putting my head down. I sighed and continued on with my maths test. It was pretty easy so it was finished in no time. I sat back down at my desk and wrote in my diary....

Dear diary,
Louis got me in trouble again so now I have a detention!! I hate Louis!! I thought he was a friend!! I was thinking about Niall again.. I just wish he would get out of my mind!! I'm gonna start crying if he is still in my mind after the bell goes.
lots of love, Tasman

I drew me putting a dagger threw his head....yeah I hate him soooooooooooooooo much.
The bell rang and the class got up and said a quick "goodbye miss"to mrs Bigg. As I was about to go out the door a hand stopped me... It was......

Mrs Bigg

6 reads.... Pretty impressive for a story that only has 2 chapters... THANKYOU FOR READING THE 6 PEOPLE WHO ARE READING!!! COULD YOU PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT AND PLEASE GET YOUR FRIENDS TO READ THIS!!!!!!!!

Good bye ma niggas!!

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