3. Motel calafronia

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Mackenzie POV:

After Isaac had got over being slightly startled by my presence he began to talk. 

"So, where was you today?" Isaac questioned. 

"School, were we met.." I said, trying to avoid the question. 

"I mean when all that was going down with the twins, in fifth period. You was supposed to have English with us." Isaac clarified. 

"Oh, yeah. I didn't feel too good about pissing the twins off. They are alphas!" I said, acting as though I was scared of them, what a joke.

"Oh." Isaac mimed, he seemed a little out of it, upset even. 

"What's wrong?" I asked, having no idea that what Isaac was about to tell me wasn't only his life story but something that changed my entire perception of him, and made me even more intolerable of what the twins were doing to him. 


After Isaac had told me everything, about the death of his mother and then his brother in the armed forces, he then went on to tell me about his fathers anger and how he used to beat the crap out of him. I learnt that his dad was the reason he became a werewolf, that he became one when Derek offered so that we would have some protection over his father. But sadly his father was murdered by something called a kanima. 

"What about you?" Isaac asked. "Do you have any family?" 

I was really sad about answering this as I knew I couldn't be completely honest with him about my family, its not like I could come out about my father being Deucalion. But it still didn't feel like, he had just told me his tragically sad life story, which would brake most kids and now I am going to lie or hide aspects of the truth. "I have a dad, and two brothers." I sighed, at least I was telling some resemblance of the truth. I did have a dad and I viewed the twins as my brothers.

"Do you live with them?" He asked. 

"Erm, no they're out of town!" I told him. 

The conversation went dead until suddenly Isaac pulled me into his arms and kissed me, I was taken back at first but then kissed back, it was magical. 

"So you see you at the meet tomorrow?" He asked, a smile on his face. 

"Meet?" I asked clueless. 

"Yeah, the cross country meet. Everyone is going!" Isaac giggled, that I didn't know. 

"Oh, yeah the meet!" I said as I put my hand on my forehead, acting as though I mealy forgot. "Yeah, see you there!" I smiled at him before leaving the cafe. 


When I got in Ethan and Aiden were waiting in my room. 

"So, how did it go?"He asked me, a smirk on his face as though he already knew the answer. 

"It went fine but you both need to knock it off with Isaac!" I said sternly, pointing mainly at Aiden because I knew he was worse than Ethan. 

"What do you mean?" Aiden asked, in his usual vile attitude. 

"You locked the guy in a closet with a human. His dad used to lock him in a freezer." I informed, neither of them looked suprised or bothered. 

"We know!" Aiden smirked before leaving with Ethan following him. 

"Were are you two going?" I asked. 

"Out, Deucalion needs us! He said you have to stay here."


I woke up, it was the day of the meet. I thought it would only be that day. Not a day were me and Ethan would have to go on a stupid buss and wait for a text or a call that told us whether Ennis was going to make it, apparently they and a fight with Derek's pack last night. 

I knew this was going to be hard, I had just kissed Isaac and now I am going to ruin it by sitting and getting on the buss with Ethan, who is not only one of their most hated enemy right now but someone who helped kill his alpha. The worst part is that he is going to have no idea why I am doing it. 

I got on the buss to feel his eyes instantly hit me, I looked over to him. He looked as though he was about to motion for me to come and join him but stopped himself before he began when he realised that Ethan was with me. He motioned for me to sit down and I did, ignoring the disappointment in Isaac's eyes. 

I sat back. "I feel bad." I whispered to Ethan. 

"Right now the only one you should be feeling bad for is Ennis!" Ethan told me and I agreed so I lay my head back and closed my eyes, hoping to sleep away the journey.  


I woke up to hear chants and cheers outside the buss. The buss had stopped. I looked out of the window to see some kind of fight. 

"What the hell?" I whispered to myself as I got up and ran off the buss to see what it was about. 

When I got to the crowd I saw Ethan  being repeatedly punched by Isaac. People tried to stop Isaac but they couldn't stop him thanks to his werewolf stregnth. I was about to make a move and stop him when suddenly his name was shouted in a low tone, as though it was a roar. I looked over to see Scott. 

Isaac stopped and looked at Scott for a second. His eyes then shifted onto me. He then began to walk over to where Scott was. Brushing past me coldly in the process. 

"Isaac.." I pleaded but was ignored. I had to know what Ethan said so I went over there instead of chasing after him. 

"What did you say?" I asked as I pulled him up. 

"Nothing, he was asking why I was sat with you and I told him that it was something that he had to take up with you!" Ethan sighed, as he wiped the blood off his hand and onto his shirt, he then began to wipe it off his nose.  "He kept going on about how he knew you and that you was too scared of alphas when he first met you. He then start ranting saying that I was making you sit with me, that I had done something to you. That you were scared and I simply said I would never hurt Mackenzie. And he just lost it!" Ethan finished explaining. 

I sighed and got up. "That's it!" I de-panned. 

"What?" Ethan asked. 

"I am going to tell him. Who I am, everything. Yes I like him but he cant beat the crap out of you for not telling something about me." I said, I was slightly annoyed that he did that to Ethan. "Oh and Ethan!" I said as I turned back around before completely walking off. 

"Yeah?" He replied. 

"Thanks." I smiled. 

"For what?" 

"Not beating the crap out of him!" I giggled slightly, knowing that he could, with ease.

Now to tell Isaac, who I really am. Deucalions Daughter.  


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