Different Side of Her

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Lucy's PoV


Believe it or not, I was upset, but forget that!.

Today is the day I leave this Stupid place, finally!.

I got dressed and headed outside to the world.

"Luce!!" An idiotic voice;Natsu dragneel.

I turned around to see him with his Stupid Grin, I'll wipe that off.

"Hey, you got something in your face" I said. "What is it?" He said.

I slapped him, pulled him down and kneeled him in the face.

"Pain, you had pain" I spoke harshly and walked away.

"Listen Natsu Dragneel, you can break my face as much as you'd like." He looked at me with sad eyes.

"But look at me, this is the part of me that you'll never take away from me, understand?" I spat.

"Go on, throw your sticks and bones, throw your bombs and blows. I'll just throw them back at you Ten times Harder." I ran away from him.

This is my different side of me that I was afraid of.

« Short chapter sorry, I also tried
A gruvia One-shot you should check it out! »

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