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Ron knew he'd done wrong, so, so wrong. It was compulsory to fix and he started his plan as soon as he got back to his dorm.

An hour later, after changing into more manly attire, he made his way through the portrait hole and downstairs to find Hermione. It seemed to Ron that it was easier than usual, quicker somehow - although this was probably because he was determined to find her and set things right.

Finally, he got back to the staircase opposite the Great Hall. He looked around for Hermione and spotted her exactly where he'd left her, sitting on the stairs still looking as beautiful as Cinderella but as sad as he'd ever seen her. When Ron and Hermione fight, Hermione usually ends up angry with him and doesn't talk to him for days because she is fuming but sitting on the stairway in her beautiful dress, Hermione looks nothing far from distraught.

Ron walked down the steps to the crying girl slowly, as not to startle her. He stops when he gets to her and watches her intently.

"Mind if I join you?"

"If you're going to argue with me, just go away, Ron, you really couldn't make me any more upset." She sniffled in reply.

These words made Ron's heart break. He knew she was sad and not angry - she had called him Ron, not Ronald as she would normally when she was mad at him. He sat down next to her.

"Hermione, I know I've really messed up this time..."

He heard a mumbled "you got that right".

"But I'm stuck on how to fix it... You're the one good at fixing things and I always give it my best shot but I have no clue what to say to make it better... Please, Hermione..."

"You wouldn't understand..."

"Then help me to."

"I really thought you cared about me, Ron. I thought I mattered to you enough for you to let me have my one moment of happiness. But then you had to ruin it and I don't know why you did, all I know is that you did and then left me here alone crying on what was meant to be one of the happiest nights this year. I didn't even get my stupid slow dance."

"Oh, 'Mione..."

Ron wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close, letting her lean her head on his shoulder.

"I do care about you, but truth be told, I was extremely jealous."

"I know you like Krum, Ron"

"Not of you, of him."


"I was jealous that Krum was the one getting to spend his night with you, that he was the one giving you your slow dance, your goodnight kiss, all the compliments on how beautiful you look in blue. I was jealous Krum had you and not me."

Hermione, for once in her life, was speechless. She didn't know what to say. She just sat there staring at him.

Ron heard the slow song start to play and he dragged Hermione up and outside where you could still hear the music.

"What are you doing?"

"Giving you your slow dance." Ron replied placing his hands lightly on her waist.

In return, Hermione wrapped her arms around his neck and laid her head on his shoulder again. They swayed in time to the music alone, peacefully.

Hermione lifted her head and gazed into Ron's cool blue eyes, smiling.

"Thank you."

"For what? Ruining your night?"

"For fixing my night. For giving me my slow dance."

Hermione stood on her tiptoes and lightly touched her lips to Ron's.

"No one's ever done that much for me before."

"Well, in that case, you're very welcome. I'm glad I saved your night from being a complete train wreck... Hermione?"


"I know it's kinda soon after what happened but would you be my girlfriend?"

"I'd love to, Ron." She answered with the most gorgeous smile Ron had ever seen.

As they swayed back and forth in time to the end of the song, Ron murmured quietly in Hermione's ear.

"Baby, let me come over,

I will tell you secrets,

God only knows,

I cannot overstate it,

I will be overjoyed..."

Hermione agreed with him on that, at that moment, dancing in the gardens with her new boyfriend, the boy she's been crushing on since second year, she was completely and utterly overjoyed.


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