Chapter 2

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*Your POV

I opened skype and typed in the name Mark gave me, and realized I needed to connect to WiFi first. Well no duh.

"Okay, what are you doing?" Kaitlynn looked at me.
"What's the WiFi password?"
"I need to connect to wifi."
"It's 123476"
I typed in the code and connected. I then resumed my search for Mark's profile. "So, What are you doing?" She questions again. "You'll see" is all I said. I took my brush out and ran it through my hair, making sure I looked decent. I finally clicked the call button after I looked somewhat presentable. After 8 seconds, a smiling red-haired Mark answered. I heard a gasp behind me, which made me smile more. "So, I called." I chuckled. "I was starting to wonder if I had been waiting for 15 minutes for nothing!" He said, jokingly. I laughed at his comment, and I saw a satisfied look flash in his eyes. After what seemed like forever, Kaitlynn sat beside me. "You. Never. Told. Me. You. Knew. Mark." She flashed me a questioning look. "Well Mark, would thy do the honors of telling her how we met?" He smiled again. "Well," He started "a lovely young lady sat next to me, and told me her name. And it turned out, she knew who I was, and we had a lot in common." I smiled. "And that was the worst story ever" He concluded. "I ship it." Kaitlynn said. "What?" I asked, suprised. She poked me. "You always tell me how HOT, and PERFECT YOU THINK HE IS" She said, making sure Mark heard. I felt my face heat up, and I saw Mark look away for a few moments. "Kaitlynn... shut UP" I hissed. I sighed and turned to Mark. "I'll call you later..." I whispered. He nodded, and hung up.

*Mark's POV

"You always tell me how HOT, and how PERFECT YOU THINK HE IS" Kaitlynn said loudly towards me. I felt my face flush and I looked away. I heard her mutter something then look at me. She was pink at the cheeks, and looked like she wanted to punch a hole in her laptop. "I'll- call you later...." She sighed, and hung up. I sat there for a few moments, processing what happened, and decided to go on a walk.

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