Chapter Three

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"The whatnow?" I scrunch up my nose, extremely confused.

"Kaguya Hime Moon Festival," Kiba repeats, slowly this time.

"What is it?"

"It's... um...." he scratches the back of his head, his cheeks lighting up pink.

"It's a place where couples tend to go on their first dates, or before a wedding and/or honeymoon. I nearly fainted when Neji took me there," Tenten appears out of nowhere, gushing with hearts for eyes.

Neji is into that bullshit? Hold up, so is Kiba?!

"I assume that this is a romantic type thing then?" I sigh, crossing my arms and biting at my bottom lip.

"It'll melt your heart... and possibly your panties if you let it," Sakura also comes out of flipping nowhere.

"WHAT THE?!" I whirl around to face the pinkette, my face pretty much the same colour as her hair.

"Well, when Lee took me... He took me," she blushes, hands on her cheeks as her gaze hits the ground.

"He took you in as took you?!" Tenten and I screech.

"I did say that... Didn't I?" she nervously giggles, biting her lip.

My brown gaze swivels back to a still blushing Inuzuka boy.

"If you try anything...." I warn him, taking out my claws and glaring.

My canine companion growls at his, furthering the message.

"Will I be able to hold your hand....?" Kiba scratches his cheek, blushing as he gulps.

"Maybe," I sigh, deciding that killing the guy that I'm supposed to marry would throw a wrench in those plans.

"Uko, is that you?" a girl asks.

I'm so fucking popular today, I frown and look to my left to see her.

"Oh, hello Fuyu! What are you doing here?" I ask the sand kunoichi.

"Gaara is taking me to Ka-"

"Does everybody but me know what this thing is?!" I grumble, mentally prepared to rage quit.

"Basically," Fuyu giggles, her long ponytail bouncing slightly with the tiny vibrations of her shaking frame.

Now angry, I turn back to face my betrothed with eyes of fire.

"You bet your fucking arse that we can go, and you better romance me off of my feet!" I grab his hand tightly and yank him on after me.

"They make a cute couple," the teen in glasses says, most likely to Sakura.





Kiba hands me a sparkler and leads me towards a bridge, a smile on his tanned visage as he looks at me from over his masculine shoulder. I'm aware of the fact that I'm blushing vividly, but I'm not sure why. After all, I'm not attracted or into Kiba in the slightest little bit. What's happening right now is because Ichiki told me to try, so I'm fucking trying. Maybe this means that I actually do like him? Holy shit, what if I do actually like him?! But, what if Sasuke returns my feelings? Then there would be boys in love with me?! They'd fight to the death and I'd be responbile and holyshitholyshitholyfuckingshi-

"Are you alright, Uko?" Kiba reaches out, feeling my forehead.

"I'm perfectly fine," I slap his hand away, averting my gaze as my cheeks heat up again.

"Aren't you going to light your sparkler?" he chuckles.

"Not yet," I snap, twisting to face him so that I can glare at his stupid question to his face.

The expression on his face is so tender and sweet, that I forget to glare. Breathing becomes a tricky equation as his gaze lowers, lingering on my parted lips before he runs his tongue sensually along his sharp teeth. A part of me is wondering what it would feel like if he bit me, held onto me and just sank his teeth into my shoulder or neck as he undre-

What am I thinking?!

Suddenly, I realise that he's leaning closer to me. Even worse, I'm leaning in just well. We're so close, that I can actually feel his warm breath as it fans out across my lips and neck. The distance between us shortens gradually, neither of us daring to close it first. Our eyes are only part way open, mine fluttering though not as rapidly as my thundering heart. Finally, his eyes close and so do mine. I can faintly feel the edge of his mouth pressing against mine when someone's voice causes us to jolt apart.

"OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH MYYYYYYYYYYYYYY GOOOOOOOOOOOOSH!!!!" Orokana Redi squeals, jumping up and down in her typical attire.

I'm really starting to hate bitches with ponytails...

"What do you want, Bird Girl?" I glare.

"SHINO!!!!! LOOK!!!!! I FOUND YOUR TEAMMATE!!!!!" she squeals some more, her grey eyes sparkling with excitement- that or she's unleashing her diamond jutsu.

"Ugh? Why is Shino looking for Kiba?" I narrow my eyes in confusion.

"I FOUND THEM!!!!" Miyukki bounds out of nowhere, tackling me without any hesitation.

Yep... Ponytails are evil. I have decreed it, so mote it be!

"Why is everybody looking for us?" Kiba groans, fisting and unfisting his hands.

Miyukki Haruno gets off of me, giggling as she extends an arm my way and winks.

"We just wanted to see how you two were doing," Enma chuckles, her short cropped hair making her looking both fiendish and pixielike.

"Why?" I glare.

"Well...." Enma starts, fiddling with her forehead protector around her neck.

"You ditched him on the original first date, so we were just coming to see if you tried to break his heart again or not," Naruto explains rather simply.

I almost deadpan, but Kiba does it for me.

"Go away," he tries to urge them.

"What are you idiots up to now?"

My eyes find him instantly, taking in his perfect form at a leisurely pace. His black hair is slicked back in his usually perfect style, his handsome onyx eyes as ungiving as ever. I wonder if his heart is as black as his fine eyebrows?

"N-nothing, Sasuke-kun! They were just coming to see how we're doing," I answer him, giving him a closed eye smile and a bright blush.

Kiba grumbles and storms off somewhere, leaving me with everybody in Konohagakure.

Dammit, why'd he leave?!

"What are you doing here, Uchiha?" Ichiki walks up from behind him, a large bowl of strawberries in one arm whilst a slender hand reaches in periodically to pop some fruit into her full lips.

"I was seeing why there was so much noise," he regards as cooly as everyone else, however he isn't smirking at her like he does to anybody else.

Don't get jealous... Don't be jealous... Don't.... You're engaged, Uko...

"Tsk. That's not a valid reason to leave your date behind. Oh wait, I found him! Hey there, Naruto! How are you?" Ichiki hands the Uzumaki boy a berry.

"He's not my date! We just walked in together! Hinata's been looking for him and she sent me!"

"Why not just use her clan's eye?"

"Don't ask me, Kuran!" Sasuke spits, venom in his voice and eyes.

"Whatever," she rolls her eyes and leaves.


Well... tonyght went to shit real, real fast...

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