-A Deer In Headlights-

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I open my mouth to scream but nothing comes out, I am absolutely horrified at this.. this.. oh my god. 

     After probably 30 seconds of just standing there, unable to move, the whore of a girl sees me and acts like a deer in headlights jumping over the remainder of my couch that she wasn't just mauling with her naked body to hide herself. Dakota looks at the girl like she has three eyes, obviously not noticing me yet. He then turns and meets my eyes. I notice his body, he's completely naked and I quickly cover my face before I can rape him with my eyes any further.

     "I-I'm so sorry" I manage to say, still covering my eyes. I turn around and run into the door frame trying to find my way out of the dorm while covering my vision. I hear Dakota fucking laugh. He's seriously laughing? Are you kidding me? I make it out of the room finally and lean my back against the wall, completely awestruck. I hear some mumbling and her stupid giggle and not two minutes later she walks out of the room, her whore attitude drives me insane as she twirls her hair, saying she was sorry. 

 "Are you uhm.." I try to find the words.

"Yes, I'm fully dressed." he says, and I can tell he is shaking his head to himself with that stupid smirk on his face without even looking at him. 

I walk straight past him deciding to just act as if that didn't happen.

"Listen, I'm sorry maybe next time-"

I cut him off, "No, I don't want to talk about this. Ever."

Taking the mess he calls his hair into his fist, he smirks, "I totally saw you checking me out." And now I turn to look at him. 

"You were naked, Dakota!" I yell. "I couldn't just not notice that!"

He throws his hands up in mock surrender. "Okay, make your excuses." that dreadful smirk playing at his lips. 

"No sex with anyone in our dorm room!" I say in that 'You should know better' tone of voice. Which I mean he really should know better.

"Oh, come on." he groans.

"Don't act like that's such a horrible request." 

"What if it's you?"

"What?" I ask, eyeing his smirk play at his features.

"What if it's you that I'm having sex with.." he steps closer.

I laugh, one short burst, "I can almost promise you that that will never happen." I really am amused that he thinks I would just fuck him in our dorm room after the act I just saw him put on with that slut.

"Ohh, ye of little faith." he states. 

"I'm serious about this, I don't ever want to see that happen again." 

"Okay, I'm a guy, Alice, I can't just go without sex."

"God! You pig. Fuck whoever you want to, in whoever else's dorm you find fit, but not here!"

"What about in the room?" he points to the thin wall separating the living room and the beds.

"God no!"

"Well, If I'm in there and the door is closed, knock or just don't go in until I come out."

My mind is full of mean things to say to this boy who has already pissed me off to the point of no return. How could he just think that fucking someone on the shared couch in our dorm on the SECOND day of summer orientation was even remotely okay?  

It's not okay , that's the thing with this. It's really not. And here I found myself not even 20 minutes ago wondering what he was doing, to my dismay he was just being a man whore. I shake my head coming back into the conversation. 

"I don't know Dakota, all I know is I absolutely don't want to see that happen ever again." I sigh, exhausted. "It's late."

"Alice, it's like 8." he says. 

"I, well, I'm tired." I walk away, letting myself in the room. Of course he followed. "Get out, I need to change." 

"I won't look!" He says throwing his hands over his eyes and turning around. I can't help but laugh.  "I'm serious, Alice." 

"Okay." I slide off my shirt, tossing it at the ground. I notice the way his back muscles strain at his tee-shirt. The way his shoulders slouch as he covers his eyes.

"Are you almost done?" He whines. I snap back into reality and slide off the shorts.

"Almost." I really feel like changing my bra and panties but the risk is too great. As I am debating I see Dakota turn around. My breath catches and I immediately cover my body the best I could with my hands.  "Oh my god!" I scream. He does nothing, almost like he didn't hear anything, his eyes were locked onto my curves, completely emotionless. 

"Are you kidding me.." he says, so low that I almost couldn't hear him. 

"W-what?" I ask, grabbing the shirt off the ground fumbling as I try to put it back on. Not two seconds later he has my wrists in his hands, stopping me.

"You are one dangerous roommate that's for damn sure. Those fucking curves could break a faithful man." He says, his hot breath fanning my neck due to the proximity of his face to mine. A strong smell of mint comes with it. He sustains the hungry look in his eyes as my whole entire body melts. 

Before I know it my back is pressed to the wall. Dakota leans in to kiss me but I turn my face away. "Your lips were literally just on another girl not 30 minutes ago, Dakota." I say, walking away. I hear him grunt but I just throw on my pajamas and head into the kitchen, before I leave Dakota looks me over, head to toe, smirking and walking the opposite direction. 

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