September 6,2015

43 1 0

Instagram Direct Messages
Amour: um hey Brandon it's me amour
Brandon: hey amour what's up ?
Amour : uhh nothing well your probably wondering why I suddenly sent u a dm
Brandon : yeah a little...?
Amour : haha well you are the new kid so I was thinking why not text u I can be your first friend around here
Brandon : oh that's very nice of you
Amour : yeah I know 😂
Brandon : cocky are we ?
Amour: slightly 😂
Brandon: how about we play 20 questions so we so can get to know eachother
Amour : yeah , I'll go first what is your favourite colour?
Brandon: Green, habu ?
Amour : Blue , when's your birthday?
Brandon: June 8th
Amour : cool mines June 10th
Brandon : Ha I'm Older then u !
Amour :only by a couple days😒
Brandon: Still !
Amour : aye sorry Brandon I gtg I just realized I still haven't done my hw
Brandon: Alright sweet dreams amour
Amour: you too gn Brandon

Sweet Dreams Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt