Master? Part 3

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As it turned out, the counter-strategy worked perfectly; Ciel was so surprised by that response that he was struck momentarily speechless, his wide eyes blinking almost comically. He had expected Sebastian to ask for something he could then imperiously refuse, such as a pet cat or some perverted act; the Earl was feeling somewhat peevish at the memory of what he had said and done over the course of the previous hour, and his natural inclination was to bully Sebastian a bit until he regained some of his dignity. However, the demon had totally upset his plans by acting humble and not asking for a single thing, damn him, so Ciel was at something of a loss. He did not like that at all, and rapidly formed a new plan - one that would definitely regain him the upper hand and be very entertaining. "All right, then." He sat up and climbed off of Sebastian, much to the latter's disappointment. "Close your eyes."

The demon raised a wary brow. "Young Master?"

"I'm speaking the Queen's English, aren't I? Close your eyes."

"As you wish." Sebastian shifted on the bed until he was propped up against the pillows and got comfortable; he was expecting a long wait - possibly the rest of the afternoon, if the boy was in the mood to play a particularly bothersome prank - and didn't want to be flat on his back the entire time. With a resigned sigh, he obediently closed his eyes. "Like this?"

"Can you see anything?"


"Nothing at all?" Ciel waved a hand in front of Sebastian's face.

"I can hear you moving, detect your general location by scent, and feel the air shifting as you move through it - but no, I cannot see with my eyes closed like this."

"Stay like that," Ciel commanded, his voice moving away. "Don't open them until I tell you to, understand? That's an order."

"Yes, my lord." Sebastian felt the boy's weight traveling across the mattress toward the foot of the bed and waited, fully expecting that weight to disappear as Ciel jumped down and left him there, throbbing and frustrated.

He did not expect to feel Ciel's palm slide shyly across his abdomen and down the ridge of one of his hipbones.

Oh, my, the demon thought, unable to suppress the smile that crept into the corner of his mouth. What game is this?

A second small hand, hot and captivating, stroked Sebastian's left thigh, so lightly and tentatively that it tickled, then pressed against the inside curve of it; he spread his legs in response to the unspoken but clear command, and was surprised when Ciel's weight shifted on the mattress to settle between them. This turn of events was unforeseen and somewhat disconcerting - although he doubted his young master would actually hurt him, he was in a very vulnerable position, and with his eyes shut, he couldn't tell what the boy was doing. He did, however, have the distinct feeling that he was being stared at.

"Young Master...?"

"Sh... Shut up, d-don't distract me." The tremor in Ciel's voice did not go unnoticed by either party. "And don't move."

Sebastian waited calmly, though he was more than a little nervous.

After a few moments, those hot little hands returned, slowly inching upward along his thighs, pushing them further apart; the weight on the mattress shifted again and spread out, as though Ciel had lain down; and despite Sebastian's resolve to remain completely still, he couldn't help jumping slightly when he felt the boy's fingers wrap around his aching shaft and squeeze.

"Ah--! Young Master..."

"You did it for me, right?" the Earl reasoned sheepishly. "It's only fair." His hand moved up and down the length slowly, the opposite fingers sliding through the dark hair at its base. There was a short pause, and then Sebastian felt a warm rush of breath as Ciel murmured, "It is huge, you know."

The demon was trying to think of something to say when he felt the boy's tongue touch the tip and give it a very small lick.

Ah, this clever little fellow... he could drive me mad. "Young Master... may I open my eyes?"

"No!" Ciel blurted, sounding almost panicked. "Don't look!"

"Very well," Sebastian answered, reluctantly. "But... I would very much like to see your face."

"Well, you can't," the boy retorted firmly, and tightened his grip, though Sebastian couldn't tell if that was for emphasis or simply instinctive. "Be glad I'm doing this at all."

Abashed, the demon frowned. "You're right. I apologize for my ungrateful behavior. I--"

"Oh, shut up already," Ciel huffed, and took the entire head into his mouth.

Sebastian shut up.

The boy really had no idea what he was doing, but he was a fast learner, and having had the same act performed on himself gave him at least some clue as to what the general process of things should include: gentle, swirling sweeps of the tongue, keeping the teeth well away; a bob of the head to take more in; a light amount of suction. He was somewhat annoyed to discover that he couldn't fit much more than a third of the full length into his mouth, but the way it pulsed and twitched seemed to indicate that was good enough.

"Young Master..."

"Mmm?" Ciel hummed in response, his mouth full, and a tiny spurt of fluid hit his tongue, odd-tasting and salty.

"Ah... please... let me open my eyes."

He's really losing it. The boy chuckled and raised his head to admire the sight of his butler's frustration - and instead found himself staring at this incredibly attractive being lying on the bed: pale skin covered in a light sheen of sweat; lean muscles quivering; lustrous blue-black hair mussed like a raven's feathers stirred by wind; long dark lashes fluttering. Oh, Ciel thought, dumbstruck. He's... actually rather... handsome.

"Young Master... please don't make me beg." One of Sebastian's hands blindly wandered up to stroke Ciel's face. "Please, will you grant me this favor?"

That deep, silken voice, the gentle hand on his cheek, that pained expression... somehow, Ciel just couldn't say no. "Oh... all right. You can open your eyes now." And when those eyes opened, they were gleaming and fervent and their gaze seemed to burn right through the Earl, who was frozen to the spot.

"Do continue what you were doing, please," the demon murmured, his pupils narrowed to slits, his long fingers still caressing Ciel's hair. "Don't let me distract you."

Although it made his face burn and his heart thump painfully in his chest, knowing Sebastian was watching him, Ciel felt strangely compelled to lean down and begin again, licking up and down the demon's thick shaft, lapping at it as if it were ice cream.

Sebastian could only stare.

Pausing, the boy looked up at him through shy lashes and asked in a barely-audible voice: "Is this all right?"

He really can be rather cute sometimes, the demon mused, smiling. "Of course. Every part of my body belongs to my master - please explore and do as you like. I'm deeply honored."

While Ciel's mouth returned to its task, his warm hands moved across Sebastian's body, his fingertips eagerly admiring the contours of the demon's hipbones, the shape of his waist, the long, powerful muscles in his thighs. "I do, you know," the Earl muttered softly, embarrassment finally forcing him to hide his face by pressing his brow to Sebastian's abdomen.

"Do what, Young Master?" Sebastian stroked Ciel's head, petting the boy like a cat.

"I... do like it... your body." The boy's flushed, bashful face was hot against the demon's skin, warm breath stirring the hair between his legs. "It's... nice... I suppose."

Of course Sebastian had already known that was the case, but he only smiled and replied, "Thank you. I'm very glad to hear you say that."

Ciel raised his head, looking to see if there was any mocking in the butler's expression, and found himself entranced by those demonic eyes, swirling, smoldering, hypnotic; the boy's eyelids drooped for a heartbeat... two... three; his body suddenly seemed boneless, and he relaxed against Sebastian, breathing shallowly through his half-open mouth, unable to look away.

Sebastian saw the reaction and realized he'd been subconsciously luring the boy; he was so ravenous he could hardly bear it, and the dazed, bittersweet little delicacy currently lying between his legs was staring up at him with those big, sensuous eyes, lovely pink lips swollen and wet...

"Forgive me," he said, and lifted Ciel in his arms.

"Wha--" Before he could recover himself enough to speak a coherent sentence, the Earl found himself tossed onto the pillows, and Sebastian immediately descended on him and filled his mouth with a deep, breath-stealing kiss. He thumped the demon's shoulders, but his arms were still wobbly and weak - he may as well have been hitting the wall. Fortunately, though, Sebastian backed off just far enough for Ciel to gasp, "Sebastian... wait... I..."

"I'm very sorry," the demon answered in a voice that dripped honey and sin, "I cannot wait any longer - I am at my limit, Young Master." He laughed softly, dropping icy kisses along Ciel's jawline. "Really, to be able to drive me to this... you never fail to surpass my expectations." He licked his fingers as if they were covered in sugar, his smile so hellishly beautiful and lascivious that the boy shivered. "My merciless little master."

Ciel was about to fire off a snappy response when he suddenly felt Sebastian's hand slide between his legs, moving lower... lower... "Wait, where are you-- ah!" He gasped as one of those long fingers, slick with saliva, penetrated him and began moving in and out slowly. "Ah! No, no, that's... ah!"

"Relax, Young Master," Sebastian whispered, lowering his head to kiss and lick the boy's hardening nipples. "Relax... that's it..."

Ciel's legs spread wider almost on their own; his hands were buried in the demon's hair; his body was a fine instrument Sebastian was playing with incredible skill, and all he could do was writhe and moan, lost in the astonishing new sensations and that seductive voice that was almost unbearably erotic. "Ah... ahhhh.... Se-- Seba--- oh..."

"Yes, that's it..." Sebastian licked the perspiration from the boy's neck, pushing his finger deeper, rubbing hidden places that made Ciel cry out and then bite his own lip in embarrassment. "Don't restrain yourself, Young Master... let yourself enjoy it... there... ah, there, that's it..." He sucked at one of those small pink nipples and Ciel clenched tighter around his finger, then relaxed considerably - to the point where Sebastian dared to ease in a second one.

"Ah... ah! I can't, I can't..."

"Shhh, relax, it's all right," Sebastian soothed, licking, sucking, nibbling. "Your body is so sensitive." He gave one nipple a gentle bite, making the boy gasp, then teased it with the tip of his tongue until Ciel was whimpering helplessly. "Ah, you like that, don't you? Have I found your weak spot?"

"I... can feel you dripping... on my-- my thigh..." Ciel panted, holding the demon to his chest with both hands. "You're... getting me... all sticky." He tilted Sebastian's head up to look him in the face. "Who... exactly... is the weak one?"

Sebastian plunged both fingers as deep as he could, then began thrusting them in and out rapidly. "You'll be glad I'm dripping so much very shortly," he purred, nipping the boy's ear.

"Unh... ah...! What... ah! What is that... supposed to mean...?" Ciel was having trouble focusing his eyes, and his body was covered in gooseflesh; pleasure rippled through him with each thrust of the demon's talented fingers, and although he didn't realize it, he began to rock his hips in time with the movement.

"Allow me to explain with a demonstration." Satisfied that Ciel had been properly prepared, Sebastian withdrew his hand, then lifted the Earl's hips to wedge a fat bolster pillow underneath them.

"What are you--" Tilted at an angle, his coltish legs spread wide, Ciel looked up and saw the demon looming over him, looking very hungry - and very hard. It suddenly dawned on him what Sebastian meant to do, and the boy was filled with so many emotions at once he could hardly process them all: shock, fear, arousal, excitement, shame... "Wait... wait, I--"

Sebastian smiled at him, warmly, gently. "Please don't worry," he said, his voice so full of kindness Ciel almost believed it was genuine. "I will not hurt you, Young Master." He leaned forward, the wet, slippery head of his shaft pressing into the velvety cleft between the boy's buttocks. "You may hold on to me if you like. You may find it comforting."

Ciel was about to tell him that he didn't need comforting, that he didn't care if it hurt, that he didn't really give a damn what the demon did - and then Sebastian pushed into him, slowly, smoothly, and the Earl forgot his pride and reached out with both arms to embrace the beautiful devil ushering him into Hell. "Ahhh! Sebastian! I-- I can't, it's too big--"

"It's all right, Young Master." The demon's lips were directly against Ciel's ear, that sultry voice an aural aphrodisiac that overpowered the boy's anxiety and lowered his defenses. "I will be very gentle. Relax... let me in..." He rubbed Ciel's nipples with his thumbs, sucking lightly at the boy's neck, crooning sweet, coaxing words to him in honeyed tones. "That's it... very good... ah, you're tight... let me in... yes, that's it... let me in..." Bit by bit, inch by inch, he carefully pushed in deeper... deeper...

"Unh... Se- Sebastian... it's... it's big..." Ciel was trembling, but not with fear or pain; it was somewhat uncomfortable, but it was bearable, and that dulcet voice and those skillful hands were so distracting that he hardly even noticed the discomfort. Each progressive inch that penetrated him seemed thicker and harder than the last; Sebastian's body was lean and solid and smooth, his cinnamon-and-clove scent somehow reassuring; Ciel felt himself straining to accommodate the demon's large, pulsating shaft... and it felt... good. "Oh... ohhh..." His eyes drifted shut and his head fell back against the pillow; it was overwhelming, the sensation of having someone else - no, not just someone else,Sebastian - inside him, stretching him, opening him like a flower brought to bloom. "Ohhhh, Se-- Sebastian... oh..."

Sebastian felt the boy relax, finally allowing him in. "Yes, Young Master... I am here, as I will be until the very end." He kissed Ciel's flushed cheeks, licked his neck, nibbled his pierced earlobes. "Are you ready?"

The boy's cock throbbed in eager anticipation, and he tightened his hold on Sebastian's shoulders. "Yes, yes! Just... just do it!"

The demon chuckled. "Then...." He withdrew about halfway, then pushed back in, making Ciel moan; he withdrew again, almost fully, then thrust deep, reveling in the ecstatic cry this elicited from his young master. "Ah, you are so delightfully tight, my lord... so tight..."

"More," Ciel panted, wrapping his arms around Sebastian's neck and spreading his legs as wide as they would go. "All of it... I want-- I want all of it..."

"I cannot fit any more into you," Sebastian answered, thrusting into the boy's willing body again and again, angling his hips to hit the most pleasurable spots. "You are very small and unaccustomed to this - surely this much is enough."

"All of it...!" Ciel commanded, tightening so much around Sebastian's shaft that the demon flinched and nearly came. "Don't... don't make me... repeat myself...!"

"As you wish." Sebastian chuckled and obliged, plunging the remaining third of his length into the boy, who - fortunately - had had the presence of mind to relax again.

"Ahhhh!" Ciel clung to his butler, rocking his hips in an innocent, instinctive rhythm that drove Sebastian half mad with desire. "More...!"

"Greedy, aren't you?" the demon teased, breathlessly. "Does it feel good, Young Master?"

"Yes! Ah! Ah! Ohh... more... Sebastian, more! Ohhh, don't stop, don't stop...!" Ciel was moaning loudly and he knew it - and he didn't give a damn. Let the entire household hear, let the sky fall, let the world burn down all around them, he didn't care - as long as that magnificent devil didn't stop fucking him.

Sebastian raised up on his knees and put both hands on the backs of Ciel's thighs, bringing the boy's hips higher and effectively upending him; before the little Earl could protest, he thrust deep again, the difference in angle producing new sensations that had Ciel nearly delirious with pleasure. Sebastian looked down at the boy, cherishing the way his hair spilled across the pillows, the little flash of pink tongue he could see in that open, gasping mouth, the way those lovely, half-lidded eyes gazed up at him in wanton, helpless ecstasy. "I rather like the way you look right now," the demon said, licking his lips wickedly. "I like watching myself moving in and out of you like this."

Ciel blushed all the way up to his hairline. "Don't-- Don't say things like that!"

"Why not? It is the truth." Sebastian's mouth curved into a lascivious grin. "Look, you can see it, too - here, watch as I take you, Young Master."

Ciel gasped in shock; he tried not to look, but he didn't have much choice, turned upside-down against the pillows and bent almost double. He started to tell that perverted demon that he wasn't going to do such a thing, that he would never be so lewd as to enjoy watching himself... being... He stared in rapt, scandalized fascination as Sebastian's large, thick shaft entered him slowly, then withdrew, then slid back in again, all the way down to that raven hair at the hilt; he was suddenly aware of every ridge, every contour of it, could feel every generous inch as it went in and pulled out, and his own cock began to twitch, leaking beads of slippery liquid that fell onto his chest. "Sebastian!"

"You're very close, aren't you?" the demon asked. "It's all right... I am, as well." He grasped Ciel's shaft and began to stroke it, the pad of his thumb rubbing circles over the tip; gripping the boy's hip with his other hand, he thrust deep again and again, increasing the speed to a rapid, ardent rhythm that had them both gasping. "Come, call my name, Young Master... call my name..."

"Ah! Ah!! Ahh! Se-- Seba-- Sebastian! Sebastian! Sebastian!!" The sky fell; the world burned down around him; Ciel was engulfed in pleasure so intense that it verged on painful; he climaxed, the hot, sticky droplets spattering like nectar over his chest and throat; he felt Sebastian throb deep within him, filling him with thick fluid so hot it almost burned; the Faustian mark on his eye thrummed, glowing brighter and brighter...

....And with a sharp, wrenching cry, the boy stiffened and arched and came again, his arms reaching out for his butler - his marvelous, indecent, unholy butler - calling Sebastian's name over and over like a litany; the demon swept him up and held him tightly as the pleasure crashed through him, until Ciel's body and breath gave out and he collapsed, shaking.

Gently, Sebastian lowered Ciel to the mattress and laid him on the pillows; he pulled out carefully and settled down on the bed beside his young master, smoothing the boy's damp hair back from his flushed face. "Young Master? Are you all right?"

Ciel opened his eyes, the lids heavy and as slow as syrup. "I'm fine." He breathed a satiated sigh, a very small smile hiding at the corner of his mouth.

"How do you feel?"

".....Sticky." His lips pursed into a surprisingly cute moue. "Augh... now I'll need new bedlinens." He cast a sidelong glance at Sebastian. "You made a mess of me, you know."

"My humblest apologies, my lord. However... your fever seems to have broken."

Ciel blinked. He did feel much better, now that he thought of it. Also... "Your hand."

"My hand?" Sebastian looked at it as he stroked the boy's head. "Oh. I beg your pardon, I don't mean to take liberties..." He started to pull his hand back, but Ciel caught and held it, trying to look nonchalant about it.

"No, no - I don't mind that. What I meant was, your hand isn't cold at all anymore, and your... er... body fluids... are hot."

Sebastian chuckled. "I have no need of a minimum or maximum internal temperature, so I simply adjust it as necessary should the occasion require it." He trailed a heated fingertip along Ciel's jaw. "My master needed to be cooled off, so I lowered it to about twenty degrees below room temperature and made myself into a cooling pack. When your fever broke, I returned to my customary, more human warmth, to prevent you from being unpleasantly chilled."

Rather impressed, Ciel gave him an amused half-smile. "Why, you clever devil."

"You flatter me."

"Maybe. I feel completely recovered... I'm not even tired." The boy frowned in thought. "Cooling pack or not, I shouldn't feel this good, should I?"

Sebastian could easily have told him that all the demonic semen he was filled with was having a healing effect on him - and that the contract bond was now several times stronger - however, Ciel did not specifically ask for that information, so he only beamed his charming, amiable smile and said, "Coupling does tend to make one feel good."

The Earl blushed.

"Why, Young Master, you suddenly seem quite flushed - your fever hasn't returned, has it?" Sebastian leaned in closer, a mischievous look shining in his eyes. "As your loyal butler, I'd be happy to help you reduce it again."

Ciel looked away, thoroughly flustered. "It isn't. I'm not-- that is... oh, shut up." There was a pause before he added: "Or find something else for that impertinent mouth to do."

Sebastian leaned over the boy and pressed him down into the mattress, smiling. "Yes, my lord."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2016 ⏰

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