My purpose

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What is a man, if not but a vessel to complete a purpose? So what is our purpose? What is my purpose? To sit in jail for a tiny mistake I made? To never sleep for fear the bat will brand me or God will burn me? I killed him. And yet I still suffer waking nights wondering if I will be killed. Why? I never cared for him. I only cared for my self. He can't do anything to me. I AM STILL POWERFUL! I-if he try's to get me I will get his family again. And this time, they will burn! Hahahahahaha!  *cough* I need a drink. But not that terrible Kentucky alcohol. I drank enough of that sludge when the senator was over. And it was for nothing. All for nothing. Man did not kill god. God did not kill man. God killed a demon, and killed himself.  I won't stay here. I'll get out. I never killed anyone. And they'll never pin the bomb on me. I only brought doomsday to life. And set a fight between batman and s-superman. But I just need a good lawyer. But that won't be enough. Now that superman is dead they forget about how they hated him. How they didn't want an alien with emense power to not follow the law. But that woman from my files. Wonder Woman. She helped them, and may be able to help me. If only she was on my side. But there are others. There is the cyborg. And the King of Atlantis? May have to work on the name for that one. But maybe he can help. No. I just need a good lawyer. Ha! A "good" lawyer. That's funny. That's funny...

Sorry for not updating I have school and I'm in the process of moving but will start again soon. Working on chapter two right now. Peace out guys

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2016 ⏰

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