New Beginning

70 3 5

Chapter 8

I woke up to an empty bed! I walked towards the bathroom where I heard slight humming! Jamie must of went in for a shower
I really badly needed to pee but I'd didn't want to disturb him, but I had to
"Hey Jamie are you in here" I called through the gap in the door
"Yeah! Come in if you want"
I had a shower curtain so he couldn't see me and I couldn't see him!
I finished peeing and started to wash my hands
Jamie came out of the shower with a towel on
"Good morning!" He climbed out the shower and kissed my head!
"Hope you don't mind that I took a shower"
He smiled at me and it was so cute I melt  every time I see his cute little smile
"No.. I don't mind! Thank you for staying with me last night!! I really needed it"
Jamie put his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him! He only had a towel on and it was sexy but I pushed it to the back of my mind and concentrated on his face!

He hugged me and it felt amazing!! His strong arms protected me and his wet hair was dripping on my Pajamas
"Well I am going to protect you from now on!! You don't need to feel scared any more"
He kissed my forehead and walked away to grab his clothes
"Jamie!! I have something to tell you"
Before I could tell him someone knocked on the door
"It can wait!! I better go answer this"
I walked away leaving him  thinking!
I was so thankful the door was knocked as I regretted saying that I had something to tell him
I opened the door expecting it to be either Vic Mike or Tony but I was wrong!!

"Rachel!! I am a terrible person and I regret ever laying a finger on you!! I hate myself for hurting you!!" It was Freddy
"How the hell did you get out of prison!! I don't care what you have to say! Leave me alone" I stared to close the door on him as I didn't want Jamie to walk out and Freddy to start on me again
"Doesn't matter how I got out!! But I am so sorry! Please take me back" he started to cry really loud
Vic open his door and he clocked eyes with me!! I gave him a terrified look
"Freddy! I don't think you should be here! Please leave"
Freddy wiped his eyes and turned to look at vic! I was scared for vic
Jamie came to the door and pulled me back I could sense his fear for me
"You are so right! I don't even know why I came back! It was so stupid of me! I am sorry Rachel for putting you through this"
He turned back too look at me
He seen Jamie but didn't care for him he just stared at me! He took a step forward and Jamie pulled  me back a small bit to protect me
Freddy leaned forward and kissed my forehead
"I still love you Rachel! But you need to move on and get over me! I am no good for you. I am a terrible person I don't know what came over to me for me to hurt you. I was stressed out because.. Because.. Well I was I was cheating on you and I well I got the girl pregnant! I was so stressed out I didn't know how to tell you and I turned to violence..  I will never bother you again Bye"
He said before backing away and heading down the stairs!
"Did that just happen? He was cheating on me...what the hell!! Ugh I don't care do you think he will stay away? " I questioned  vic and Jamie and a tear slipped down my face
"I don't know!! I hope!! If not I will hurt him if he hurts you again" Jamie said looking at vic he came over to me and wiped my face

Later that day I was invited down the their studio to watch the guys practice for their show
I got so many feels and there songs sent chills down my body!
I got talking to their manager who was so nice! We got talking about my business 'inked up' which got me thinking that I hadn't been to work in like a month And I thought that I would call Alison
"Hey! I am so sorry I haven't been in work! Everything okay? I will be in tomorrow"
I explained to Alison my situation which she already knew and Jamie filled her in and told her I would be taking a couple of weeks off
"Aww thank you Alison! How are you coping!"
We got talking before Jamie stopped practicing and wrapped his arms around me.. I got off the phone with her and  held his cold hands
"You told Alison! Thank you very much!"
I smiled at him and he smiled back
We went off to get some food with the guys joining
We found a cute little restaurant in a small quite street! We  looked at the menus before ordering and then starting to chat!
"The concert is tomorrow! Are you joining Rachel?" Mike asked me smiling
"Of course I will be joining!!!" I laughed taking a sip of cola! I was so exited as it was my first concert!!

The next day a few hours before the concert

I hardly seen Jamie this whole day as he was busy with fans and sounds check
I was backstage sitting alone!
Tony joined  me
"Why with the grumpy face" Tony asked
"I'm not grumpy! " I folded my arms and stuck my tongue out at him "When are you going on"
They were going on in ten minutes and he suggested that I sit at the side of the stage so I could see them perform
I was sitting at the side and I had the best view!! It was the best feeling ever
The screaming fan chanting their names
Jamie went crazy on stage
I was positive he had forgot about me but he he turned to look at me and blew me a kiss  which gave me butterflies
I couldn't help but sing along to every single song!! I was having the time of my life!! It was the best thing I had ever experienced! I forgot about Freddy I concentrated on the music pumping threw  my vains
After the concert finished people started packing up and when everything was finished we headed back home!
"That was the best thing I have ever experienced guys! Well done! Thank you from letting me be part of that!" I said as I standed outside my door
"Well night see you all tomorrow!" I opened my door
"We are gonna have some drinks do you want to join us" Mike asked me! I didn't want to as I was shattered
"Thank you for the invitation but no thank you I'm shattered! Night" I smiled at them before i walked up the stars to my apartment
"Rachel wait! Can I join you" Jamie asked while having his cheeky smile!!
"Sure!" I answered as he ran up to catch me
He said night to the guys and we walked inside my apartment

We walked in and I left him in the living room as I went to get my pyjamas on!
As I was in the middle of changing Jamie enters
"Jamie I'm not dressed!!" I started to laugh
" it's okay! I don't mind" he joined in laughing
"Rachel!! Do you remember yesterday when you said you wanted to tell me something!!" He came closer and wrapped his arms around my waist
I got the chills when he said this
"Yeah?" I answered nervous
"would you like to tell me what it was" he questioned
So I began to tell him how much I liked him and that I was falling for him
"I feel exactly the same way" he responded
I was still standing in my pants and bra
I looked up at him and smiled while he placed gave me a cheeky smile
"Can I have a kiss?" He asked which I nodded and he placed his lips upon mine
I had never felt this feeling before?
His lips were soft and warm! We stated to kiss and he pulled my waist closer to his body!! It felt good to kiss a man who gives  me butterflies and made me feel good about myself
"I feel like I want a relationship with you Rachel" Jamie whispered into my ear
"So do I" I continued
We continue to make out before Jamie stopped
"Rachel would you like to be my girlfriend" he asked
"Of course i would love to" this was better than I had ever imagined! He was everything I had ever wanted!!
"Thank you Jamie!!"
I like the bra Rachel. He laughed while I finished getting changed
He held my hand as we watched a movie in before falling asleep

Thank for nearly 200 reads. Means so much. Recently got feedback (thank you for that )
I love getting feedback good or bad
So please let me know how the story is going
Hope this chapter is not boring
Thank you for reading

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