Chapter Four

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"Here's your room, Miss Clarissa, I hope you find it to be suitable to your needs." said the little house elf as I took in the appearance of my new room.

It was round, due to the fact that it was one of the castle's towers, and nicely decorated. I tried to imagine that everything was normal and at any moment, my roommates would walk in and we'd gossip about the sorting and the feast. I wanted so badly for that to be true, but I knew it never could be, not with the way I was. And now I was being locked away in a tower, away from everyone else, and I had just been more humiliated than I ever have been in my entire life.

"Thank you, Jinxx, you can just leave my luggage over there in the corner." I said, walking over to the bed and lying down face up. The tapestries were beautiful and the duvet was incredibly soft and soon enough, I found myself drifting off to sleep.

"God why is it so hard to wake you up? It took me forever on the train; you sleep like a rock!"

"Go away." I mumbled into my pillow, perfectly comfortable where I was.

"Not until you get up and get dressed for breakfast."

Someone shoved my shoulder and I automatically flinched, quickly rolling off of the bed into a standing position.

"Sorry, I forgot you startle easily in your sleep." said Hermione as she rubbed her arm, standing on the opposite side of my bed.

"No it's my fault. I'm not really used to ... living with other people." I said, careful in my choice of words. No one had to know that the real reason I was so jumpy was because so many things could go wrong at any moment in my life. 

"Alright well go get dressed so we can eat breakfast, I want to finish early so I can study for class."

"But ... we haven't even had our first class yet."

"No, not yet but there's still so much to learn!"

"Okay ..."

"Now hurry up and get dressed!"

Hermione went to go wait out in the hall and I dressed out of my robes from yesterday, which I had fallen asleep in, and into a clean set. I met Herione in the hallway and we walked down to the Grand Hall together.

"I've already spoken to Professor Dumbledoor and he said you can sit with us till you get sorted." said Hermione as she headed to the Gryffindor table.

If I get sorted ...

"Thanks, Hermione." I said.

I kept my head down as I sat next to Hermione, not wanting to draw any attention to myself. If anyone saw me sitting with Hermione, they might assume I had been sorted into Gryffindor. But then they'd find out that I still hadn't been sorted at all.

The tables were laden with endless trays and platters of any type of breakfast food you could imagine. I had never, in all of my sixteen years, seen so much food. 

A tall redhead sat down on the other side of me and began piling his plate with heaps of food. He seemed to be inhaling all that he ate whereas I was too afraid to even touch the food.

"Say, aren't you that girl Clarissa that ran out yesterday? The one that couldn't be sorted?" the boy asked, his mouth full.

"Ron!" shouted Hermione, reaching behind me to smack Ron on the back of his head.

"Well she is, isn't she?"

"Yes, but there's no reason to be so rude about it!"

"I'm sorry I was just wondering!"

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