Hell Hole

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imma tell you about my self.
My Name is :Chyna but you can Me Chy.My Birthday is :July 29.
but let's get to da story .
My life is pure Hell , i used smoke weed to keep da pain away, but Now I just write out my damn feelings don't fuckin judge me cause yu ain't better den me.My mama ass stress me df out ever day bc ha bitch ass husband left her not once but twice now he keep CALling. I used to look up to him but he ain't nothing but a pussy ass nigga wiff a problem.Str8 up my real daddy ain't bout nothing the only thing he know how to do is make noodles outta toilet water .he been in jail more den I can count talk bout he gon do right I be like watever nigga I don't got time fa you so bye. I uses think life had no meanin but as I grow up it real does I had to grow up quick with everything going on around me, But I was cool wiff it my first love was sike yall ass might look em up we still talk ever damn day bc he mines let get dat right.love really means everything to me so don't fuck wiff nobody i love or care about because I'll take care of yo ass real just letting Ya know... Well let's get it crankin .Ever body has da one person in da family dat always drunk or always talkin shid, if not you ain't don't understand da shid a nigga go thru don't get me wrong I love my uncle "A" but all he do is talk shit && breathe his beer breathe in yo face I be like dayuummm give me 5ft back nigga .My Granny pure hell She don't mind slap you , or cussin you df wiff no hesitation.Lmao but my family is known around rockmart not fa no bad reason its just dat my grandma & Grannie is da BEST !! cooks in rockmart don't believe me you betta ask somebody cause I don't gotta lie about dat.Da Westside is were I was born & raise .ha its da only place yu gon hear about wen you hit da rock.Also if you Eva stop by don't believe them lies about gettin yo ass shot up da just myths but we packin on da west never forget dat.

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