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Killua's P.O.V

Today was finally the day to go to see the doctor. I'm actually a bit nervous for Gon and I.  If he really is pregnant because this is a big deal.

Gon and I are getting ready and are about to leave.

"Gon! Are you ready!" I yell out.

"Almost!" He answers back

I got out of the room and went to the living room were Alluka was.

"Hey sis" I say as I sat next to her on the couch.

"Hey big brother are you ready to leave!" She says in an excited tone.

"Ready as ever!" I say

We sit there having a chat until Gon came all dressed and ready to go. We left and made our way out the three of us.

~Time Skip~

Once at the doctor we got didn't really get weird looks just because Alluka was here, but if it was Gon and I then we would have gotten weird looks.

After a while it was our turn and we went in, I was super nervous about what was about to go down. We were greeted by the doctor who was a female which made it a little less awkward.
Gon was then told to lay on the seat/bed.

(AN: Don't know what there called but hopefully you get the point.)

He was told to pull up his shirt and I stood next to him and held his hand. Afterward the doctor put a strange liquid on his belly and started the ultrasound.

What I saw on that screen was unbelievable I could feel tears running down my checks, it was a child. My child. Our child.

Okay guys I'm back😂 But I had a little trouble writing this short chapter because I have inspiration to write but don't know what to write. You get me? So it would really help if you guys could give me any idea. Arigato❤️

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