Chapter 20

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A/N: Ariana Grandes 'Dangerous Woman' is my new jam for today my lovelies. Tell me what's your favorite song, I wanna knowwwww.

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"WHERE THE HELL IS MY PHONE!?" Harry's yell echoed throughout the entire flat and Niall groaned snuggling back into his duvet. He just wanted some sleep, was that such a bad thing?

Meanwhile, Harry was still groaning and yelling around the flat at the ungodly hour and all Niall wanted to do was shove a cactus up his arse.

"FOUND IT!" Harry yelled to nobody in particular as he placed it into his picket and dragged two of his big duffel bags to the front door, bouncing in his heels and squealing here and there.

Zayn was sleeping in his room soundly. Niall was jealous of the way that Zayn could still sleep even if there was an atomic bomb exploding in his room.

Harry couldn't stay in one place, he was pacing around the room, checking if he had all of his things over and over again. His meds were in a small compartment in his duffel bag, safely hidden. Then came the knock at the door and Harry practically bounced all the way there to open it.

The happy smile dropped from his face to a shy one as Louis smiled at him softly. He walked in front of Harry, wrapping his arms around Harry's waist and capturing his lips in a searing kiss. Harry smiled over Louis' lips and held his biceps, loving the feel of all that hard muscle underneath his hand. All tense and amazing. Their lips were still moving together and they only stopped when Louis pulled back, a smirk on his face. Harry's lips were red and raw and Louis stared at them, that unfamiliar feeling rising back up in his chest.

"Ready to go?"


The ride back to London was quiet, Harry's head on Louis's shoulder, dozing off quietly while Louis was softly circling his fingertips on Harry's hip. 4 hours flew by and Louis moved to wake Harry up.

"Harry? Wake up, babe." Harry could hear Louis call and he hummed, rubbing his eyes like a little kitten before yawning a little. Louis watched him with an increadible fondness that came out of nowhere, a small smile on his face as Harry grinned at him sleepily.

"I'm up. C'mon lets go." Harry said excitedly as he opened the door to Louis' Range Rover and clambered put. Louis chuckled at Harry's obvious excitement and wrapped and arm around Harry waist when he got off. Harry immediately bent his head down and clasped his hands behind his back, worried whether if he had gone overboard. But the grin on Louis' face was enough to assure him that he hadn't.

They walked all the way to the docking area when two yacht crew members (they had uniforms on with the word 'Riptide' embroidered on the breast pocket) approached them with both of their luggage.

"Ready to go aboard, sir?" They asked Louis and he nodded curtly. Both of them nodded back.

Harry's jaw nearly dropped several inches as he finally got a good look at Riptide. He was at a loss for words as he spluttered and gaped at it.

"Like it?" Louis asked smugly.

"Louis it's gorgeous! How can you own this!?" Harry exclaimed and Louis did something that had Harry nearly melting to the floor. He smiled. But not the kind of smile that Louis usually gave. No, this one was different. It was a shy smile, a smile that Harry had never seen on Louis before. And God was it the most beautiful smile that Harry had ever seen.

But it was gone the moment it was on Louis's face. Louis led Harry aboard the yacht. Harry had wide an excited eyes as he took in every single detail. He had never been on a yacht before.

All String Attached // Larry Stylinson (Mild BDSM)Where stories live. Discover now