Cahpter 16

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Christmas. I was somewhat dreading this day. For I thought I was going to literally be alone today. My parents haden't alled since the last they talked to Harry. Can I even call them that anymore? The fact I wake up on Christmas morning, knowing I don't have a family to wake up to is.. Heartbreaking to a kid. Yes, I'm pretty much still a kid. In a teenagers body. I don't know anything about taking care of myself. I don't know where to start. How to get a job. How do I keep up with rent? This is all running through my head at such a young age. But It needs to happen.

I'm moving soon.

But as for right now, I'm sitting on the window pain. Seeing the snow slowly hot the road as I sat and watched it. Why was this so amusing? Why was I up so early? Why did I hate Christmas?

"Good morning sunshine," someone said from behind me. I turned to see Niall making his way towards me with a smile. He pushed my forward a little, letting me sit between his legs. "Merry Christmas."

"What's so merry about it?" I scoffed. He sighed, resting his chin upon my shoulder. He hummed a little before kissing my cheek and lifting his head.

"I'm here. You're here. What more could we ask for?" What he was saying was true. I didn't have much. Right now, I had more than what any fangirl could possibly ask for. Sitting with Niall, cuddled up to him on Christmas morning. I shouldn't complain. I love the feeling of his arms rested around my waist.

All was right until a sharp pain hit my forehead, making me wince. But it wasn't from the outside.

"Are you okay?" Niall asked, jumping in front of me.

"Umm yeah," I said trying to rub the pain away. "I'm fine. Just a little migraine is all." But it felt much more worse than a migraine. "Really Ni. I'm fine."

"Okay.." He said uneasily. "Zayn and Liam had early flights this morning home. Louis and Harry went out to breakfast. So guess that leaves Christmas morning to us. Until Louis and Harry get back of course."

"Right," I said trying to ignore the pounding against my head.

"Here," Niall said handing me a big box with a little one taped to it. "It's nothing special but.." I opened the big box first pulling out Niall's black hoodie. "I know how much you love it so.. I gave it to you." I smiled, pulling it over my head before opening the small box. A bracelet reading

"Not all heroes wear capes."

This quote was repeatedly put over everything I could get my hands on. Books, paper, notebooks. Anything. This was my saying. And Niall gave me a bracelet of it.

"Oh my god," I said clasping it to my wrist. "I love it." I jumped across the floor, falling into his arms.

"I knew you would," he smirked wrapping his arms around my waist. He placed a gentle kiss to my lips before setting me aside. "I should have gotten you something else. Honestly I feel like this isn't enough."

"Niall. It's perfect. Now it's my turn," I said pulling a box from under the tree. I handed the poorly wrapped box towards him, making him smile.

"I kind of want to keep it wrapped so I will remember what this looks like. It's amazing," he joked. I just swatted his arm, making him laugh to himself.

He opened his box seeing the book "A Fault in Our Stars" and the movie "Perks of Being a Wallflower."

"I kind of wanted you to see what it was like to be a wallflower. What it's like to be me," I said under a whisper. The movie was relatable in many ways. How Charlie was part of the outside. The weird yet aggressive mood swings. It all had so much written from my story that I couldn't help but hate yet love it. "But the book.. It's just my favorite and I didn't know what you like so I just thought-"

"Ana," he stopped with a chuckled. "I get it. These are perfect. I couldn't ask for anything more." I wanted to have him jump into my arms like I jumped into his but I knew that wouldn't work. He's much bigger than I am. So instead he offered his hand to me, helping me to my feet. For a minute there a had a moment where I nearly lost my balance. The pain was just not wanting to leave. "Ana.. Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm just... Light headed is all," I said softly.

Niall sat me down, letting my head rest against the back of the couch. The Irish boy plopped in the DVD he had just received, coming and sitting next to me after. I cuddled into his chest, watching the rolling words flash on the screen.

"Merry Christmas!" I heard Harry yell as he burst through the door. "And a happy new year!"

"Where have you two been?" I asked, seeing Louis coming in after.

"Harry here almost bought the whole mall," Louis joked.


"I just.. Thought you needed something.. From us," he said motioning between him and Louis. "So we got you.. Well a lot."

"Please tell me you didn't," I sighed. They knew damn well I didn't want anything.

"I had to okay?" Harry groaned. "The urge of buying you something finally took over! I couldn't take it Ana!"


~Harry's POV~

Her face was mixed between mad and frustrated. She had so many facial expressions that she had one for each emotion.

"Where am I going to put this all?" She asked, gesturing to the bags and bags stuffed in Louis' rented truck.

"Niall," I called. He smirked, taking Ana's hand, leading her to his car. Louis just smirked as I walked with him to Louis' truck. A little while later, we arrived in the small apartment complex a couple streets away from her high school.

"You didn't," Ana said as we got out of our vehicles. I just smiled at her reaction.

"We bent a few rules but it's yours," Louis said as he unlocked the door. I cousins see her face but I could tell she was excited. That was until... She collapsed right in front of our eyes. Niall was the first to fall to her fragile body.

"Ana.. Ana!!!" He yelled, trying to wake the fragile girl. "Oh god. She's bleeding." I stood there as Louis began to rush to get things from the kitchen. "God dammit Harry! Call and ambulance!"

But I couldn't move.


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