Name, fake, hate, love, think, scream

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My name, N o v a h.

I'm not sure what I am or why I'm here. I hate school, everyone's fake, no I don't mean what your thinking I mean no ones them self's. Everyone has something to hide. Even I am fake at school. Everyone is.

I hate putting on makeup, then again I love the way it makes me look. It makes me feel a little better about myself. Another way people are fake. Makeup hides your real face, your scars, your emotions.

I love when Stories don't have a happy ending. Because life never ends happily. Just think about it.

When you die you may go to heaven or hell or to a new life; you may be happy, but others will cry until they're fingers form tiny wrinkles from wiping away drops of water from their eyes. Most will physically be hurt because their heart hurts when they S C R E A M in pain. Many will continue their lives as if nothing ever happened creating pain for you when you look up/down on them in heaven or hell.

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