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A couple of days later in amity hospital while the agent that got shot was resting in a bed bandages around his stomach a green smoke filled the air causing the the man in the bed to choke and wake up he looked forward to see a now calmed down Danny phantom standing at the end of his bed staring at him the boy well ghost began to speak "i am fate the guardian of every ones I had three choices two were fatal I didn't nessierliy want to do it but I chose the safest but if you pull a stunt like that again you will end up in the morgue
Time skip
In mr lancers class a woman appeared in the room the students shied away from her keeping their distance but were still sat at their desks. She scared them. This woman's name was Mordred thantos grim. She walked up to mr lancer who's body Language showed he was nervous and scared the woman said "I need to speak to fate"
"Um I'm sorry but there is not a fate in this class Ma'am" lancer replied unsure the woman said "fate is a title"
"oh um I'm sorry but I do not know who your talking of" lancer said
"Well then let's try this then
He is dead but you do not know
With hair as white as snow
And eyes of burning green
You look but you do not see" the woman said "I do believe you just described Danny phantom to me" lancer said "again you look but you do not see try again shall we
You may think all is bright
With hair as black as night
And eyes of ice cold blue
Can't you see the end is due"
Mr lancers head whipped around and  stared at a student sitting slumped at his desk once black hair now pure white "Daniel?" Lancer said unsure if it was his student or not "Hi mR laNcEr" Danny replied the broken tones of his student ensuring him that it was Daniel albeit a little insane  the woman looked on unresponsive as Daniel peeled him self of the desk. He was smiling. It was a too wide skin splitting grin that reached his temples. "WeLl ThIs iS qWiET fuNnY isNt It" Daniels broken voice said and he stood up and walked to the the class room door and said "sEe YA" and left and slammed the door behind him "I need to fix this I guess you can all help" the woman said as she waved her hand in the direction of the students as darkness encroached their vision. The class woke up slowly they were slumped over hard chairs and slumped up against walls the class groaned holding there heads or rubbing their eyes as they sat up.They spotted the  woman she had a rifle pointed out the thin window and cigarette smoke curled around her before drifting out the window her cigarette hung out the side of her mouth. The door opened. And a woman in a red suit that was very familiar walked in a hugged Mordred and said "I didn't think you come and do your shift Mordred"
"Being the protector of the last of humanity you'd think you'd recognize that we have guests" Mordred said as the woman in red removed her helmet looked to where the class and their teacher were that was when they realized that the senior fentons were there too. The woman in red bore a remarkable resemblance to one particular student Valerie only older and with very short hair they realized then and there that the red huntress was Valerie
"No it can't be"
"Is this true"

Can't you see I'm scared (a Danny phantom fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now