The Yacht

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Harry stood on the edge of the pillows, the boat anchored down in the middle of the ocean. His hair flowing naturally behind him as his guitar case handle hung loosely off the sides of the boat, small and delicate drops of water splashing up at it barely running their fingers over the edges of the material as they were engulfed by new droplets that crashed into the white boat and were sent flying up towards the old ones.

Harry noticed things like that, he noticed the way the wind moved and the way the water rippled, the sound of the currents almost whispering his name. His fingers strummed at the guitar strings making nothing while making everything. His focus on the beautiful whirlwind of mystery that laid before his feet, swirling and twisting to hide the brilliance below. Fish of all colors and sizes waiting to be explored.

The strap of his guitar painted the back of his neck a light pink, an indication that he had been standing in the same position, looking out towards the unknown for far too long. His knees ached and his feet were sore but he didn't mind if he got to keep staring at the second most beautiful thing in the world.

The first most beautiful thing of course was lying beside him, napping in the gentle warmth of the persistent sun. Harry let his eyes roam over to his face. It was delicate and soft in his sleep but still angular and sharp in its shape. The perfect mixture to create the masterpiece he was, like the ocean, rough and smooth all at once. A distraction for the greater good hidden beneath the surface.

His eyes roamed down further his fingers plucking even slower at the strings, his mind preoccupied by the way his body curved and curled around the pillow he was holding. His fingers wrapping around the corner and bringing it closer when he twitched in his sleep. His eyes shut tightly to shield them from the sun's rays.

Harry smiled as he pulled out his phone and took a picture of his sleeping form, dropping the phone down again on the couch he was standing on. His yacht a white canvas surrounding him in utter silence that he adored. He was in a band and he was tired and overworked and he just wanted some quiet time away with his boyfriend and the sea.

He inhaled and smiled the salty sea air rushing through him like a bolt of lightning. His arms reaching up towards the sky as he stretched and cracked his back loudly. The guitar now hanging oddly around him as he yawned slightly he peeled it off and put it back in his case, having to leave his standing position for a much more suitable one where his thigh touched the top of Louis head, hairs dancing around his skin as he pushed some away with his fingers.


He hummed and the vibrations went through Harry's body lightly shaking his legs awake. He didn't want to wake him but the scene before him was breathtaking, the sun was just about ready to set and the sky was changing colors. His sister was on the other side of the boat, coming over to take pictures every once in a while smiling at him every time almost as if she needed to apologize for being around.

"The sun is ready."

He could see the small smile growing on Louis' face as his eyes remained closed and unbothered by Harry's voice. His cheeks a light pink, turning yellow at the touch, white in the center of his press and flooding back with pink as he poked his cheek.

"The sun can wait 5 minutes."

Harry let his hand run down Louis' arm slowly, tickling his senses and sending a shiver down his spine. Moving the blonde sunbleached arm hairs back with his finger. Louis moved his head so it was resting on Harry's thigh, enjoying the way his hands played with his skin.

"The sun waits for no one my love."

Louis pouted and Harry ran his fingers between Louis' own, bringing one hand up to his lips to press his love onto his skin. His pink lips taking the tanned skin knuckle between them and letting his eyes slowly close to transport himself into his own senses.

The World Looks Better Through Your Eyes - Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now