Chapter 1

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"Lucy darling!" My mother shouts. "Yeah!?" I yell back. My mum laughs and screams, "Come here!" I get up lazily and go to my mum. "Look," She says while pointing at a picture. I wipe off the dust and glance at it. It's me and Natsu, my childhood friend. I shove it into my pocket and go to school. "Lucy!" "LuLu!" "Lu!" I hear my friends shout while they run to me. My friend Levy tackles my with a hug while Juvia and Erza laugh. "Nice to see you too," I giggle. "You dropped this," Juvia says while holding something. We all look and it's the picture of me and Natsu. After blushing, I take it. "Was that Natsu?" Erza asks. Thankfully the bell goes and I run too class.

"Welcome," Sir Gildarts says. I sit next to the window and daydream. Suddenly all eyes are on the door. It opens and reveals a boy. "Sorry Sir, I was showing around the new girl," He says while pointing at a white haired girl. "It's ok Natsu," He replies. Wait? Natsu!? "Natsu, sit next to Lucy," Sir says. Natsu stares at me and walks to his desk. "So new girl, introduce yourself," Sir orders. "I'm Lisanna, don't talk to me unless your cool!" She rudely shouts. I roll my eyes as she sits at the front. "Jeez, attention seeking much?" I whisper. Natsu glances at me with a smile. I glare at him.

"Hey Lucy," Juvia greets as I walk out of class. "Hi," I reply. A tall guy with long black hair taps Juvia on the shoulder. "Hey Gajeel!" She laughs. "Hi sis," He smirks. I giggle and go to my locker. "Hey Luce," A boy says. I turn my head to see Natsu. I put my books away and slam the locker door. I then run to the rooftop. "Ew, who are you?" Lisanna asks when I open the door. "I ignore her and sit on one of the benches. She walks up to me and pulls me up by my tie. "How dare you ignore me!" She yells. Lisanna slams her fist into my mouth causing my lip to bleed. "Hey!" Natsu shouts while going through the door. Lisanna pushes me over and I sprain my ankle.

"Lisanna stop!" Natsu shouts as he grabs her and pushes her. Lisanna pushes Natsu away and she kicks me, knocking me out. After that is just blackness. "Luce wake up!" I here somebody shout. My eyes open and I see Natsu. "What happened?" I ask. "Lisanna beat you up and knocked you out so I carried you to the infirmary," He answers. "Really?" I ask. He nods like a cute toddler so I smile. "Thanks," I say. He grins and replies, "So we're friends again?" Friends? I look into his hopeful eyes. "Depends, are you still annoying like when we were kids?" I ask with a smirk. He just shrugs. I laugh and say, "Let's be friends again." His eyes widen and he jumps with joy.

"I don't think you'll be able to walk," He says. I try to stand and flinch as soon as I put pressure onto my foot. "I'll carry you home, your parents can take care of you," He laughs. I shake my head while I look at my phone. "I just got a text from my parents, they're going on a business trip for 3 months," I explain. "Come to my house then," He says. "Really?" I ask. "What's wrong?" He asks. "I'll need to get some stuff from my house," I say. He nods, we can go to yours and then to mine. I shrug and say, "Up to you. We just became friends again."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2016 ⏰

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