Chapter Twenty Two

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Tears fell on my screen as I cried. I didn't know what to do at all.

@/Skyeee: life is truly a trek in darkness, friends crush your heart and make you feel a flood behind the glass wall of your smile, the wall that's so easy to break... So easy to shatter.

(A/N: thank you @Kittypower2 for the quote ily! Go follow her!!)

Bianca came into my room. She sat down next to me on the bed and rubbed my back.

"Skye, I know it's hard." She said.

"No! You don't know! You've never gone through this!" I snapped immediately regretting it.

"I- I-" she stuttered.

"Bianca, I'm so sorry. I'm just an emotional mess right now. I'm sorry," I said hugging her.

"It's okay. But listen, it's going to be hard deciding on what to do but honestly you have to go with what you think is right." She said.

"But what if neither feel right? What if I don't want a long distance relationship anymore! What if I don't want any relationship anymore?! What if I don't want to have anything anymore." I said my voice cracking.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"What if- what if I just don't want to be here, on this planet, anymore?" I cried.

"Skye, no. That's not okay. You are a beautiful human being who deserves the best in life." She said squeezing my hand tightly.

I stayed quiet and stared at my lap. I don't have any idea what to do anymore.

My phone buzzed and Bianca grabbed it. She read the message and smiled before handing it to me.

From William Shakes: I know you're probably going through a lot of hard stuff right now and I'm sorry. You don't deserve to feel sad and lonely. Just know you have me to talk to, and I'm sure you have Parker to talk to too.

"I'll leave you alone, just- choose what's right," she smiled before exiting my room.

To William Shakes: Thank you, but are you sure you want to hear my crap?

From William Shakes: I'm positive

To William Shakes: okay.. I don't know what to do. My mind and my heart are telling me two different things.

From William Shakes: What are they telling you?

To William Shakes: Can we just go on FaceTime or something? I don't feel like typing anymore

*William Shakes would like to Facetime*

"Hey," I said quietly.

"You've been crying," he frowned.

"Yea," I replied.

"I'm sorry.... But that's why I'm here to help," he half smiled.

"O-okay. But anyways, my heart and mind are telling me to do two different things and I'm not sure what to do. I don't know what I want," I sighed.

"What are your heart and mind telling you?" He asked.

"My mind says to stay with Parker because he was there for me and he saved me from you-" I said and he looked hurt but he knew it was true.

"A- and my heart says to go with you because of that little piece of me that isn't over you and- I don't know- because you saved my life and you were also there for me." I said a few tears slipping down my face.

"Oh, I see." He said looking down before someone else grabbed the phone.

"Hey, know I love you. But do what you think is right," Parker said smiling.

"Wait-" I asked confused.

"Our flights got delayed so we decided to work things out," Will said.

"O-oh," I replied.

"But he's right, do what you think is best," Will nodded.

"But I don't know what's best! I don't know what I want!" I said more tears slipping.

"Skye, listen to me. I'm pretty  sure all three of us know you should go with what your heart says. Even though it pains me to say it I have to. I love you so much, b-but I think we should break up," he said and instead of feeling sad I felt a burden being lifted from my chest.

"But Parker-" he cut Will off.

"No, Will- she's better off with you. But just know if anything happens between you too and you break up I'll be right there to swoop in a catch her," he smiled.

"P-Parker," I stuttered.

"I want you to be happy, I think this is right for you." He said.

"If it makes either of you feel better- I- I think I'm going to just have a break from a relationship for a while. I'm not saying I don't love either of you but- yea," I sighed.

"I get it," Will nodded.

"Me too," Parker slightly chuckled.

"So we all good?" Will chuckled.

"Yes," I smiled.

"You got it," Parker smiled.

"Group hug!" I giggled hugging the phone.

"Thanks you guys," I smiled.

"No problem, we're here anytime you need us," Parker said.

"You got that right," Will winked.

"Alright well I gotta go, bye," I smiled.

"Bye!" Parker waved.

"Love you," Will winked again before ending the call.

I locked my phone and flung my legs over the bed. I walked out of my room and over to the kitchen.

"Woah woah woah, why are you so happy?- I mean I'm not complaining but-" I cut Bianca off.

"Let's just say I'm single, and Will, Parker, and I are all good friends." I smiled and she smiled back.

"I'm glad you're happy again," she said.

"Me too." I sighed happily.


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I love you all so much! Have a delightful day!

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