chapter 1

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"This story a story about me samako and I refuse to let my story be like anything seen before(walks by what looks like manga for dragon ball z,naruto,one piece and bleach)As you see my story starts off in the next panel with me already dressed and going to school see ya there".(switches to next panel)"OK let's go today is my last day of middle school I currently attend Kamiya Academy and I hope to go to the best high school in masake city which is masake high where you learn to use hogekyo spheres and sokyo dust but back to the story talk to you guys later can't talk at school speaking of which im going to be late I'm going to jump to the next panel where I'm already at school(jumps up and climbs into the next panel and falls on his face)crap that hurt but worth it".Samako ran into the building and sat down in his chair for the last time and once he did the teacher started speaking "OK class its the last day of school and since it is I'll let you all give Netflix a chill"Mr.Spangler said trying to relate to the students."did he just say give Netflix a chill.... See guys um our teacher thinks he's cool and says dumb stuff like that all the time but that's besides the point the point is today is the last day of middle school and soon I'll be hogekyo user its kinda frowned upon because there are the adults who missed there chance because hogekyos arent that old it was said a mysterious genius made em and disappeared and the olddies believe its because the weird power of the sokyo that is inside the hogekyo but they are finally stable enough to be given to school and the first one to get them is masake high which is the #1 reason I want to go there but the second reason is because its far away from my parents I'll catch you up on the problem in a bit"samako said when mr.Spangler called his and gestured for him to follow him outside the class"samako I'm really worried about you you have been talking to open space do you have some weird mind thing going on you are the top of the class but you could be breaking insanity at a real young age" Mr.Spangler said."OK the only one insane is you also I'm talking to the reader not open space now shush I don't want you to get more screen time then the main charaters now go back into the class room and keep your mouth closed or I wont be able to stop your car from spontaneously combusting"samako said as he went back in class and at the same time a mysterious cloked figure appeared and walked down the hall and disappeared "target confirmed starting phase 2......samako vaseri prepare yourself".

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