I'm Back

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Jacob pov:
I am back I wasn't dead the doctor made a mistake. I ask one of my dear old makeover friend if she can make me a mask of the most hottest guy ever. You want to know why I want a mask well because I don't want anyone to know I'm alive. I got a new house, new car, and new clothes. I walked to school and saw everyone staring at me. I saw the worst thing in my life but I missed and love that one person Hunter beating up Isabel and saw Brandon on the floor laying there crying in pain and Isabel screaming. I ran to him:

Yo get off of her!! Why what are you going to do about it?! I took off my mask because that's the only thing I have to do I don't care what he's going to do. J...ac...ob Yeah it's me Hunter. I though your dead. The doctor made a mistake but what are you doing to Isabel and your fucking brother Brandon. Umm...nothing. I helped Isabel and Brandon and went outside to tell what happened. Isabel told me the story I couldn't believe what fucking happened. I told Isabel and Brandon to follow me to the cafeteria. I saw everyone looking at me and a sign that said, "WORTHLESS." I the group of kids bullying the poor kids!

WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!!!? Jacob I told you there is noting going on here. Oh yeah why do I see my friends over there with a sign that says worthless. Get out of here before I punch you! Hunter I never seen you like this or maybe it's because you just want to get you anger out!! Just Jacob please stop. Hunter ran to me crying and I hold him to my chest. The whole gang/squad came over to us crying.

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