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I woke up to the sound of a gun being fired. I didn't mind I was already used to it with my family. My father is the most feard gang leader in the state and there's always shooting around here.

I walked downstairs where my mother is making breakfast. My mom is a restaurant owner actually it turned into a franchise when I was around 13. My mom fell In love with my father around the time I was born but so many things happened they didn't get together until I was around 2.

I know I'm supposed to sound awesome and sure as hell I am but my parent are my inspiration they make me have hope for my life.

The whole reason why I'm here today is because of some drunken night after my mom had graduated. But that turned into the best thing that ever happened to them. Me, I know I'm full of my self.

"Hey mom" she smiled as I gave her a hug and grab my plate. "Hey remember you have to be early home today for diner with Marisa, Jared and Sara". I nod and sit down.

Later you can hear multiple people coming downstairs. Alex and Andrew the twins born 2 and a half years after me. Some people would hate to have younger siblings but I'm actually okay with it at school they're the only people who understand and are not afraid of me.

That and they are in my class I failed a grade or two and now I'm graduating in the same year they are.

My phone rings. "Hello?" I hear a sigh from the other side. "Hey um Jake I have some crapy news"

"What's up?" He pauses for a minute an continues to talk. "Well you see the car you let me borrow is kind of crashed into a tree" I spit out my drink. Making my mom yell at me but I don't pay attention. "What do you mean?!"

"I ran into a tree and now you car is crashed into a tree" I groan and stand walking to leave my plate. Yea I have good manners well that and I'm afraid of my mom. "I'll see you at school Elliot and you better hide because I'm gonna kill you!". I sigh and hang up.

"What happened?" my mom asks. "Elliot crashed my car into a tree". She looks at me serious but I know she's trying not to laugh. "Mom it's not funny" she nods. "Yea you're right it's not" she stars laughing and I just walk to the garage to get my other car.

Elliot is my best friend he's the son of one of the other gang members George. There's alsow Mathew who is his cousin and is son to Jose. Sara is my best friend but she is younger than me by two years and is dating Alex. And lastly there's also my cousin Calum he was adopted by my uncle Harry and his husband Steve, he is in the eleventh grade.

I arrived at school with the twins and like every other day every guy gave me cold stares for making their girlfriend look at me and girls tried to throw themselves at me. I'm kind of what you call the bad boy at the school.

I went to my locker where Elliot, Mathew, Sara and Calum all standing. "Hey guys" the looked at me and moved away from Elliot. "I'm sorry man I didn't mean to crash your car I was distracted by my phone And crashed". I shake my head. "It's fine" he looks ate confused. "Are you sure?" I nod opening my locker to put everything in. I know why he's worried because last time I really scared him. But this time I'm not gonna try anything I'm just gonna let his paranoid self go wild.

After putting everything away I walked to class alone since I shared no classes with them except one after lunch. As I walked to class I bumped into someone she quickly moved aside for me to pass but didn't seem to care about who I was. I wonder who she is. I walked to class and sat down on the back. Don't get me wrong I like going to class it's just even if I have good grades I'm not going to college so I decided to leave the front chairs to the college future students. Then she walked in and say in the back probably not wanting any attention for herself.

"Hy" I said she smiled and looked back to the front. "What's you name, mine is Jake nice to meet you" she nods and speaks. "I'm Ema nice too meet you to" I nod. Right then the class starts and Ema stars to listen to class.

After school I went back home to change for diner with Sara and her family. My mom and Sara's mom have been friend since they where little just like me and Sara.

When I arrived it still wasn't time for diner so me and Sara went to my room to play videogames.

"So how's your car?" she says trying not to laugh. "It's fine it's already finishing and I will have it back before tomorrow" she nods as she keeps playing. Sudenly the door burst open and in walks Alex with a mad face. "Why are you here in his room alone?" I laugh he actualy thinks I would hit on her when she's like my baby sister.

"We were playing video games waiting for you" she says sstanding up and giving him a kiss. "Okay I guess". He smiles and walks out with her and me soon behind. We walk to the diner table.

When I sit down my phone rings. "Hello?" her voice rings on the other side. "Hey Jake it's me Ema. I was wondering if maybe you could pick me up I can't go home right now and I feel like someone is following me". Everything that could happen takes over my thoughts. "Okay just tell me where you are and don't hang up". She tell me where she is and I walk out of the dinning room making my father follow me out. "Where are you going?". I sigh. "Dad after I fix this I'll tell you but please wait until I come back". He nods and let's me go.

I drive to where Ema told me and find her standing in a corner waiting scared. I get off the car and walk towards making sure she sees me so she doesn't feel woried. "Oh good you're here I was worried you wouldn't show up thanks by the way".

"Why are you not home at this hour?" She sighs. "My step father is not the nicest person to handle when drunk" I nod not wanting to ask more since she doesn't feel all that comfortable talking about it. "So where do I take you?"

"Abigail's house" I nod and ask for dieections after taking her home I head back where everyone is waiting for answer.

"Hy guys" I say not wanting to make them mad. "Where did you go?" I sigh. "Out" my father nods and Sara gives me a suspicious look. "So who's the girl?" I look at him how did he know he find did he. "You had someone follow me?" he did that last week and cought me smoking in an alley. "So who is she?" My mom now asked. "She's just a friend from school who needed a ride to a friends since she had a problem at home that's it". I sigh passing a hand through my hair. All these questions where making me frustrated wich wasn't letting me think.

Next time I drive around until it's okay for her to go back home god. "You didn't get her pregnant did you?" my mom asked worried. "No mom I didn't get her pregnant we met yesterday" he nods and walk to the kitchen to clean. "God you people don't trust me and I don't know why you have two other sons who one has a girl friend the other has three girls and you only ask me". My mom sighs. "You're my first son and I don't want you to get hurt so just shut up and accept the questions okay?" I nod I know what she means I'm not the safest person right now since dad is probably leaving the gang to me and a lot of members want to be the boss so can and have tried to hurt me.

I go up to my room and after taking a shower and putting on a pair of sweat pants lay in bed thinking about Ema. How bad could it be at home for her to leave when her step dad is drunk?

Maybe I'll get to ask some day.

First chapter woo!

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