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1:30 p.m. school.

I hear someone running towards me but I don't really pay attention to it. "Jake!" I turn around and see Elliot running towards me. "What's wrong?" he takes a deap breath and looks at me feeling sorry. "They took Ema" as soon as I heard that I was running for the doors and towards my car.

5:15 a.m. before Ema went missing.

Since I knew something was of about Abigail's brother Brandon I asked uncle Jared to look into it. "Hey um Jake that guy Brandon you were talking to me about well he's really well known in the drug dealer business and he recently started working with the new gang in town" I nod I knew something was off. "Okay send a guy to follow him around and don't let Ema find out about this she will be safer this way" he nods and leaves me alone in the gym.

I know I should have told Ema so she could be careful but I think if I tell her she's being hunted down because of me she might never forgive me.

7:00 a.m.

As soon as Ema woke up I some how started feeling weird I don't know but somehow I ended up acting more weird than normal.

"Morning" I smile at her. "Morning, hey listen you have your drivers license right?" She nods. "Take the car and drive my brothers to school as well I have something to do so I'll meet you there". I walk out of the house and into my other car.

I drive to the gang house where everyone is waiting for orders. "Okay this is very important I can protect Ema but you need to protect the territory remember protect what's important not me okay" they all nod and I drive to school.

I walked to my locker and Ema was there waiting for me. "Hey" I smile and wave at her. "So what where you doing?" I dodge her question and walk to class.

She only kept asking more and more during class. When I walked to the second class she stopped asking but I knew at some point I had to tell her.


Since this morning he has been keeping more things from me which was one of the reasons why we broke up. I gave up after lunch and went to my locker to get my books for the next class.

The hall were empty and everyone had walked to class I have this hour as free period so I was waiting for the next class suddenly everything went black. What was happening, las thing I felt was falling to the floor.



By the time I was at the gang house I was frantic. I wanted to kill someone. Suddenly my phone started ringing.

"Hello?" I don't really know who it is. "It's nice to hear you again" anger fills my body. "What do you want from me?!"

"Slow down man!" He laughs. "Where is she?!" "You'll find out soon enough, go to this address so we can speak, bye" He hangs up and I started trashing the whole room then someone walk in.

"Told you a kid couldn't lead" I look at the guy who was complaining about me last time and walk to him and before I know it I'm pining him to the floor and punching him like there's no tomorrow.

"Do you want me to kill you that bad?!" I punched him. "I already killed enough people do you want to be added to that list?! Huh? Do you?!"

Then someone walked into the room and pulled me off of him. I pull away from the persons grip and walk away from them.

"I told you not to piss the kid off. He's like his dad you hit the right nerve and you might end up dead" then he turn to me again as if analyzing what I just said.

"What do you mean add him to the list?" I turn away from them. "How many people did you kill Jake?" I sigh. "Since last year or before?" He stares at me for a while then speaks. "All of them" I sigh.

"Including shoot outs, gang wars and missions that's about 90-100 people without counting like a few weeks or a month ago" I say trying not to add what happened with Ema's step dad. He stares at me in disbelief. "How did you end up killing so many?" I look away "that doesn't matter right now" I say thinking about Ema then look at the address and burst out of the house and walk to the car and drive to the address.

I get off the car and go into the abandoned house. "Oh good you're here" someone walks out with Ema. I look at her but don't move.

"Can you let her go so we can talk?" He let her go. "Ema go!" She shakes her head. "Go!" She runs out. "Put all your guns on the floor" I take out the guns at the back of my pants then the small one in my timberlands.

"Knives to" I take out the one in my pocket, the one on my other shoe and then the one strapped on the side of my jeans.

"So what do you want?" He looks at me and laughs evilly. "You know you could have let her die" I practically shoot daggers with my stare. "She doesn't deserve to die for things I've done or do, she's never done anything deserving of death. I on the other hand should have died a long time ago".

"Well it looks like your wish is gonna come true" someone pull a gun to my head and just when he's about to pull the trigger he gets shot in the head and falls on the floor and people from the gang start to walk into the house. Then I see Brandon and the leader walk out. I chase after them and get into my car.

I drive behind them and I speed up and catch up to them. We were passing a bridge when I lost control of the car. Soon the car was flipping and out of the road. He was right it really was my time to go. I close my eyes and darkness takes over.

Sorry it took me  so long to post this chapter. Writers block sorry


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