Chapter 14

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// EEYYYY MACARENA! What goes on peeps? Are you good? Good? AS I am writing this the time is 00:45 am and I can't feel my arms properly. Awesome huh? WELL WELCOME TO THIS UPDATE THAT I AM FINALLY DOING!  Don't forget to Stay Fantabulous~! Without further ado, lets begin shall we? // 

~Phil's P.O.V.~ 

I can't say that I remember much of the walk home that day. I think at the time I was too tired from all the running to function at all, I was probably running on fumes. The first thing I remember clearly when I think back is getting home, and my surprise at the fact that I was home already. Time flies fast when you're having fun I guess. 

Opening the door to my house, I was hit with the dreamy mouth watering smell of fresh cookies. Because mum works so much she hardly has time to do things like that, but when she does I'm extra thankful and I make sure she knows it. 

She couldn't stay long. She'd stayed later than she should have to welcome Peej, Chris, and I home. Dan had been a surprise but she hadn't minded. In fact she'd greeted him just like he had always been in our little group. She'd given us a load of sweets which she told me in the kitchen were for the great mark I got on the English mock exam. 

Sleeping bags were set out and ready in the lounge and we all settled down after mum had left, and as we had planned, we brought out Mario Kart. 

Thinking back, we should have all showered or at least changed from our uniforms because of how sticky and sweaty we had been from P.E. Dan had just finished texting his parents that he was at mine when he suddenly mentioned a lake where we could go swimming. 
Because we were sweaty and sticky, it sounded like a great idea to all of us. 
"Cracking idea Dan!" Chris had exclaimed, giving Dan quite the pat on the back which resulted in Dan falling forwards in to Pj's lap. Even now thinking about it makes me want to laugh. 

Peej had gone bright red and stiff as a statue, while Dan had gone a similar shade and had rushed to push himself up "So sorry!" Dan had managed to squeak out while Chris and I had been crying from laughing so hard. 

Once Peej had recovered, he whacked Chris over the head with a cushion and then he had thrown it at me; amazingly I had managed to punch it out of the air like a ninja master and was awarded for my efforts by a round of applause. 
"That actually does sound like quite a good idea Dan." Pj said, putting down the controller and standing back up from where he had flopped on to the sofa. He turned to me "What do you think Phil?" 

I had nodded my head and smiled enthusiastically, all too happy to go on an adventure with my newly forged group of friends. 
I envy how stupid and naive I was then. Stupid, stupid, stupid! 

"Sure! But shouldn't we wait for Dan's parents to get here before we go?" I had asked like an innocent stupid little puppy. A murmur of agreement had passed between the three of them and Dan had texted his mum that he would need swimming gear. "Actually Peej" Chris had begun "We should tell our folks too. I don't fancy going for a dip without any gear. However you I wouldn't mind seeing you without anything on." He'd finished, with an eyebrow wiggle to add emphasis to the awkwardness that was about to hit Pj like a brick. 

While the others went about texting their parents (Or calling in Chris's case), I had rooted through the various goodies and brought out a box of maltesers which I thought would be nice to nibble on. 
After I had popped one in my mouth, I heard a huge gasp across the room from me. I looked up quickly, probably looking like a rabbit caught in headlights; however it turned out to be Dan staring intently at the maltesers. 

I think I'm missing something here, because the next thing I remember is my face being warm and Chris and PJ laughing at Dan and I. I can't remember why they're laughing. Or why my face was so hot. It's so frustrating! 

I close my eyes sometimes, trying to see that day like I can usually see my other memories which are always clear, but that day... Some parts are vivid and bright, while others are dark and murky like dirty pool water. 
I hate this. 

The next thing I remember is a knock at the door. It was Dan's mum. I had never met her before that day, but I thought she was really nice. She was smiley and smelled of lavender and she gave off a nice mum vibe. I don't know if that makes sense, but it makes sense to me. She had given Dan a really tight hug, like she was afraid if she didn't hold tight enough he would fade away or something. I got the feeling that there was a story behind a hug like that, but at the time I didn't think that it was right to ask. 

Then Pj's dad arrived while Dan's mum was still there, and Pj and his dad had a little talk about Pj being sensible while he was around mine before a manly hug was given. Dan's mum and Pj's dad left at the same time, but there was no point in closing the door because Chris's car had just pulled up outside. 
Instead of Chris's parent coming to the door, Chris went out to the car. Some words were exchanged and as Pj, Dan and I had watched in silence, Chris was pulled in to a window hug before the car drove off and Chris returned with his bag. 

Another blur. Emptying bags and filling bags and turning off the Wii (When did we turn that on?) and then finally leaving for the lake. I wish it had been raining or that we were trapped in the house by lions, anything so that we hadn't gone to that stupid lake! 

The walk could have been five minutes, it could have been an hour and five minutes. I. Can't. Remember. 
                                                                                                                           Save me 
Along the way we talked about sandwiches in maths              
                                                                  Wait no, that's not right                               It's dark 
                         We talked about anime and glass 
                                     I'm scared                                                                                  No no no 
     What did we talk about?                                Please                                                                   Drowning  I'm                                                                    My head  hurts                            Am I bleeding?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              drowning 
                                           H e l p                                      Nononononono                                   Music?                                                             

Music! We talked about music. It was because Chris had started singing Sugar, We're Going Down by Fall Out Boy to Pj, and Dan had joined in. It was surprising to us, because we thought Dan listened to popular stuff like rap and that kind of thing. We all started singing Where Did The Party Go? I imagine it would have been painful for anyone to listen to us, but at the time we were all happy and singing as loud as we could and that was all that mattered. 
We reached the lake and the sun was high up, so it was the perfect time for going swimming unless you're stupid stupid stupid like us. 

We found a tree and dumped our bags and stuff in the shade, Pj and I had packed a lunch of sorts for us. If you can count crisps and chocolate and chocolate and chocolate and chocolate 
Chris was the first to take his top off. 

Of course he did it in his usual Chris way. He had pushed Pj right up against the tree trunk where he couldn't move before starting to do a sexy lap dance of sorts. Chris had hummed what he must have thought was sexy stripper music as he slowly took his shirt off and threw it nonchalantly to the ground next to him. At that moment in time he leaned in closer to Pj who was a tomato until their faces were inches apart. 

I was nervous for Peej, I could feel my own throat tighten and my face was beginning to get hot, so I moved my hands up to my face to cover it and laughed when I watched what happened next. 

Chris had turned around and bent over, twerking on Pj who instantly threw his hands up and yelled "You need to cool off!" 
I hadn't quite understood why Pj had said that until he kicked Chris in to the lake. 

Stupid, stupid. S T U P I D. 

Because Pj did that, Chris started a play fight. At first Pj had been his main target and Dan and I had been able to stand on the sidelines together and laugh. We had been standing so close I could feel the heat radiating off of him. I had wanted to lean in to him and rest my head on his shoulder. 

Thankfully, before I could act on that urge, Chris and Pj decided to yet again tag team us. When I realized this it was almost too late, and a high-pitched shriek had escaped me. Chris had laughed and grabbed my wrist as I had turned to run, pulling me in and grabbing me around the waist before lifting me up. 
"Come on little Phil-ly! Bath time!" Chris had said to my back in an upbeat tone. I had laughed and thrashed weakly, trying to get out of his grip but not wanting to hurt him. "Nnnoooooo! Save me!" I had wailed, craning my neck back to catch a glimpse of Dan and Pj having a play fight of who could push who in to the lake first. 

However before I knew it I was being launched from Chris's arms and in to the lake, I barely had enough time to suck in a breath before I plunged in to the icy cold water where I'm drowning I'm drowning I'm drowning OH GOD I'M DROWNING SAVE ME PLEASE I'M DROWNING 

I broke the surface of the water and flipped my hair from my face, laughing breathlessly. "Not fair!" I had pouted at Chris who was wading his way towards me. He had pulled me up to my feet and grinned at me "Ah Phil, all is fair in love and war. NOW KISS ME!" 
Chris had me by the shoulders and was leaning in, forcing me to lean back and push at Chris who was giggling, when suddenly we were both engulfed in a wave of water. 

I took the chance for escape and dove away from him before turning back and seeing Pj and Dan in the water, laughing and coughing and laughing some more from where they had both fallen. Another gap in my memory. My brain may as well be Swiss cheese the way it is right now. 

Because sure, that was fun, but then the play fighting got too rough didn't it? 
And I had gotten out of the lake because I had needed a breather, but Dan didn't take that as a sign now did he? No, he chased me out of the water, and because I thought I was out of danger from such a thing I had relaxed, hadn't I? 


And of course Dan had to be comfortable enough with me now to pick me up, didn't he? And I had to be stupid enough to let him. 

And then 
and then 
and then... 
And then what? 

And then, of course, he threw me. 

And I landed. But not in the water. Oh no. I landed on the solid ground, well my body did. My head landed on a rock. Or that's what I've been told. 

I couldn't move. I couldn't move I couldn't move because my stupid stupid body wouldn't work! And because I couldn't move, I couldn't stop myself from rolling in to the river where I'm drowning I'm DROWNING AND I CAN'T BREATHE AND I CAN'T SCREAM MY HEAD HURTS MY HEAD HURTS MY HEAD HURTS HELP ME HELP ME PLEASE HELP ME I CAN'T MOVE THE LIGHT WHERE IS THE LIGHT WHY IS IT SO DARK I CAN'T SEE IT'S SO DARK HELP ME HELP ME I'M DROWNING HELP ME 

But I didn't drown. I wish I did. When the others realized how serious it was, they dragged me out of the water and left me on the cold hard ground while they had a fight. They had a fight while I was dying. I could have died, and they wouldn't have even noticed because they're stupid, stupid, stupid. 

And I will never forgive them. 

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