The beginning of unicorns and Fall Out Boy

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A/N:Okay this is my first fanfic I posted. A friend suggested to write this so here ya go! Sorry for any grammar errors and misspelling. This is my first uploaded fanfic. Btw I got lazy at the end


Pete was the emo dork, Patrick was the band geek, Joe was the druggy, and Andy was the cool guy in all the local bands. They never knew any of their paths would cross until one day.

It was a sunny yet overcast day, the dark puffy clouds were barely covering the sun. Pete and Joe were just sitting across from each other on the bud. Joe was just staring off into space. Pete was just looking at his friend in the corner of his eye. "What did you smoke?" Pete asked, trying to find out why Joe was thinking.

"I'm not high!" Joe snapped.

"Then what are you thinking?" Pete turned his head toward Joe.

"Wouldn't it be cool if we were in a band? Like me on guitar and you on bass?" His face lighted up like a kid in a candy store.

"Ya right. We won't make it far probably a few gigs then break up over something so stupid." Pete said leaning back in his seat. Oh how wrong he was.

"Come on, Pete! If we can find a singer and a drummer can we just try a few gigs?" Joe jumped up and down in his seat "Please please please please PLEAAASSEEE?!?"

"Fine if you shut up." Pete said, obviously irritated with his friend.

"Yay! I know we will make it far! I just know it!" For once in his life Joe was right.

During school Joe kept talking about how it would be as a rock star and as usual Pete just wanted to strangle him. Luckily at lunch Joe was so excited he went around to find someone who looks like a drummer.

Joe came and sat next to Pete "No luck?" He asked.

Joe sighed "Nope. Two trumpet players, five cello players, and 1 flute player... WHY CAN'T WE FIND A DRUMMER?!?!" Joe yelled. Half of the cafeteria went silent. "We should put flyers up." Joe suggested more quieter this time.

Pete felt a small tap on his shoulder. He turned around to see a boy wearing a trucker hat that covered his eyes when he looked at the floor. He had his hands were behind his back as she stood awkwardly behind Pete. His strawberry blonde hair stuck out from under his hat and his soft, baby blue eyes fixated on the floor.

"I-I can play the drums..." The boy spoke softly.

"Really? Perfect! What's your name, kid?" Joe jumped up from the seat.

"Patrick." He looked up to Pete then up to Joe.

"I'm Pete and the over excited guy right there is Joe." Pete held out his hand and Patrick shook it.

"You need to show us after school!" Joe said

"T-Today?" Patrick asked

"Of course!"

" can come by my house at 5." He took out a piece of paper and wrote down his address on the paper.

"We'll be there." Pete snatched the paper away before Joe can make more of a fool of himself. Patrick nodded and shuffled away.

"Dude, we got a drummer!"

"Let's see if it even works out.." Pete sighed as he finished his lunch.

After the final bell rung Pete drove Joe over to Patrick's house because Joe would just be reckless and probably run over an on lady while speeding. He didn't want that to happen, would he?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2013 ⏰

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