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~ Chapter 1 ~

" 'Cause I had some issues

I won't commit, nope not having it

But atleast I can admit that I'll be bad, no

To ya, to ya "

I sang along to the song while I got ready for class.

I hated waking up in the morning but it was worth it. Plus, class was only three hours long.

Just then I remembered I had work after class from noon to ten p.m. I groaned while pulling the brush through my long, black curls. Just six more months and you're done with this stupid job, I thought to myself.

I worked at T.G.I Friday's as a waitress full time. The hours were long and I was constantly on my feet but I couldnt complain because I got great tips since the restaurant was always packed. I couldnt wait until the day, six months from now, when I would be finished with nursing school.

I took a look in my mirror one last time before I left. My hair down my back and curly. I wore no make-up except for the lipgloss on my pink, full lips. I had on my scrubs for class and white low top Nike Air Forces.

I sighed. I honestly thought I wasnt bad looking. Even though my mom always told me I was ugly, I didnt believe her. My friends and boys were always telling my I looked good.

My complection was very light, almost a light caramel. My eyes were hazel, the only characteristic that I got from my dad.

I had a very thick body, the only thing I would ever thank my mother for. My breasts were a full c-cup and my ass was very round. I also had what you call 'thunder thighs' but I didn't care because I had a tiny waist.

Grabbing my bag filled with my work clothes and my purse, I walked out of my room and headed to the kitchen to grab a light breakfast.

My mom was sitting at the table drinking coffee and looking through the mail.

She snorted as I walked in but I ignored it. I grabbed some toast, popped them in the toaster and then walked over to the fridge to get some OJ.

"That's how you're gunna leave the house? Looking like that?", she asked with a look of disgust.

"They're scrubs, ma. Nurses have to wear these."

"Dont give me no fucking attitude. I know what they are.", she said throwing the mail down. "Why can't you change at school? It's embarrassing for me when people see you leaving the house like that."

I let out a slow breath before answering.

"Why are you embarrassed? If anything you should be proud that I'm gunna make something of myself."

"Proud of you? Why the fuck should I be proud of you?", she huffed. "You're dad didn't want you 'cause you aint shit and you aint ever gunna be shit."

I felt the tears welling up in my eyes. I quickly grabbed my breakfast and walked passed my mother who had a scowl on her face.

I had nothing more to say. My mother would never treat me right. It's sad to say but I was used to her talking to me like this. Nothing I did would ever make her happy.

I unlocked my car and got in.

I drove to school while wiping the tears of my face.


" And would you like fries or vegetables with that?"

"Fries, please", the customer said as he handed me his menu.

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