My Morning Peacock! (Might Guy x F!Reader)

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It had been a long day and you were in desperate need of unwinding before your weekend started. And, seeing as there was no point in going home stressed and starting your brief respite from missions on a poor note, you decided to head for the local bar for some r&r.

The bar was fairly busy, as most Jonin were returning from their scheduled weeklies and extended missions. Most of the tables were filled with companions and friends and lovers, all chattering pleasantly or laughing loudly but not raucously. Your usual spot in the corner was taken by a small group of older Chunin, and you could only blame yourself for moseying a bit too long on the road home. After all, you'd only had yourself to look after, and the weather had been so nice.

After a few moments of sweeping the area with only mildly interested (e/c) eyes, you spotted an open seat at the actual bar, between two high ranking Jonin whom you knew very well by appearance. Though you had yet to speak to either of your superiors face to face, you knew them as Maito Gai, the Leaf Village's pride in Taijutsu, and Hatake Kakashi of the Sharingan. Both seemed to have been there a while from the way they slouched over the bar and paid the outside world no mind.

Your nerves prickled a bit, seeing as not only were both men higher ranking than you but famous—and wow, if Kakashi wasn't really good looking. Who cared if you only ever saw a fraction of his face? It was a really attractive fraction! But, you really needed that drink and you'd been told by Lady Hokage herself that you could do to be more social so... What was the harm in approaching them?

You walked over to the men with a light, natural bounce to your step as you mentally prepared yourself for an encounter with people and leaned between them with your stunning smile. "Is this seat taken boys?" you asked jovially, not caring that they were older than you and you were already coming off as a total flirt. Sometimes branching out and being brash was what it took and screw it, why shouldn't you?

"Not that I'm aware of," came a smooth reply from Kakashi, who flashed you what you assumed was a smile from under his ever-masked face. You were slightly put out by the way he went straight back to his book, but you weren't about to let that deter you from your well-deserved sake.

Gai didn't look up until you sat down on the high bar stool, and when he glanced your way it was with a critical eye you'd seen him give his students before. Oh jeez, he wasn't going to tell you that you needed to train harder was he?

"Can I get you a drink?" The offer startled you, but it wasn't past you to accept. When you nodded and said your thanks, he broke into a smile that was surprisingly charming. You were in the process of returning your own charmer of a smile when you heard Kakashi snickering behind his book next to you.

"Come on Gai," he drawled casually, taking a sip from the glass of water in front of him. "You've already had plenty to drink yourself so now you have to buy pretty ladies drinks as well?"

Your (s/c) cheeks burst into proverbial flames at the blatant compliment, and you had almost waved the man off with the universal 'don't worry about it' gesture when Gai rounded on him with a positively mean look. "Look here Kakashi," he leveled, and it was only then that you noticed the slight slur to his words. "Jus' because I offered first and you missed your chance doesn't mean you can try to derail me."

Suddenly feeling very much so stuck in the middle, though definitely entertained by the notion, you waved your hands between the men and laughed nervously. "Ah, no, it's fine Gai-san, I can get my own drink if—"

"No!" You blanched at the fiery look suddenly in Gai's charcoal eyes, stomach twisting. Oh wow he was pretty drunk... "You're a beautiful young woman and beautiful young women like you deserve to have their drinks paid for!"

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