We walk up to each other and lay our swords against each others shoulders; this is to represent a gentleman's fight. The King smiles and slices up my shoulder to my face, but it's not like I don't have battle scars already. The horn is blown, and all I can think is, "A little too late!" The fight commences as we swing our weapons at one another. He strikes at me, but misses as I lunge to the side and then slice down at him.
The fight goes on for about thirty more minutes before I break his weapon and cut his arm. He falls back to his hands and feet and tries to crawl away. As I walk up to him with sword in his face I look to the council; they start to chant, "Treschult". Meaning to strike or kill. I look at the King and then back at the council. I then ask for an audience; they start to smile as they huddle and come back with a reply of, "It shall be done."
The audience I request surrounds the walls of the stadium. Packed to the top of the stadium. As the King and I stand on the ground in our holding cells where we choose our weapons, and since I won the beginning battle I get to change the odds; just like that asshole did in the beginning round. I chose a broad sword as well as steel plate armor. When I saw him he only had a Broad sword and leather armor; not even a full set.
We came out and did the same gesture as before to sign a gentleman's fight will be shown. The crowd cheered as the battle horn was blown. We started to swing and clash swords. Each hit causing a small explosion; knocking us back from one another. I charge for the front cutting the same shoulder as before, while he was swinging for my left arm. The fight drew on for ten minutes as the fight grew more wearisome I began to swing for his knees. I eventually hit his right arm that had the armor; causing him to swing back and miss me. He fell to one knee and put his sword to the ground and gave up. I then was awarded the crown to the throne. I stood tall and proud and started to yell, "Any man/woman to challenge me as king will get the same punishment as this old pathetic man, life service in the military; front-lines till death sees to it that he is in hell!"
The crowd died down and start to whisper; once I finished the crowd cheered for I was their new king. A better king; who will see to it that they get their wishes granted. I walked out and started to take on my rightful duties as king. The days were going to start to look a little more brighter. For I; the King of the Black Dragons, will be a better leader than he ever was.

The Black Dragons Saga
Science FictionWARNING: This story may contain violent and disturbing events, if you are easily sickened and or frightened by the simplest of things then you should NOT read this book. Takes place far into the future on the same planet as the S.T.S and The Red P...