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Okay, okay, you know that I'm sorry. But you can't just do that to someone who just decided to open up to you about emotional sensitivity and not being very tuned into feelings. I can't just tell you everything at once, I'll break down and freak out on you. You can't just be sensitive to me and then want everything at once, I can't give everything to you. Maybe once at a time but not everything all at once.  That's literally way too much.
1 note, 3:32 pm

gwlouis reblogged your post with the caption:
| i'm just trying to help you. i don't know how to respond to your feelings because i don't understand them. i just wish we could talk to each other about emotional stuff more? you even said after this whole thing started, you stopped venting as often as you did. why? i know dating someone doesn't take away your negative feelings, so why did you act like it?

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