♡ Chapter 3 ♡

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Hoseok clenched his fists, staring hard at the ground as tears slipped down his cheeks. "W-Why... Why am I crying-?" He took in a deep breath, "Everything he said... I-It.. It was true..."

He unclenched his fists, and tried to wipe away his uncontrollable tears with the back of his hand - when he suddenly felt arms wrapped around his waist.

"You can... You can cry in my arms if you need to Hoseok... It's alright..."

He turned around in the younger male's arms, the offer tempting, but he shook his head. "I don't deserve it, I-I... I deserve to cry without your love.. I can't... It doesn't feel right to be spoiled like this...!"

This is wrong.

"This is wrong, Jimin!" He pushed off the other's arms and clenched his fists once more, "I don't want to play with your heart... You're so kind, sweet, and loving... I can't do this if I'm crying over another guy, it's like I'm manipulating you.." He stared into his close friend's eyes, "I love you, so I can't bear to do anything like that to you. Even if you'll do it no matter how much it hurts you... Be honest with me... You know... You know everything between me and Taehyung, right?"

Jimin looked away, feeling guilty, but he couldn't lie - it was obvious. "Yes... But even if I know you still liked Taehyung, it still didn't hurt my heart to do that last night-"

"Stop it."


"Stop- Stop lying to me, Jimin! I was hurting you and you were taking it, because you wanted to make me happy and you wanted to be happy.. Don't lie to me to make me feel as if I never did anything to hurt you." Hoseok sighed and rubbed at his red eyes, "I should go back to my place. I mean I wouldn't want to hurt you anymore, right?" He gave a pained smile. "My clothes are dirty, so I'm just going to borrow yours - I'll wash them and give them back later. I'll leave in an hour, okay? By that time the laundry washer would be finished." He patted Jimin's shoulder and brushed past him.

The younger male looked down at the ground, questioning everything. Questioning his decisions, if he did the right thing yesterday. He looked behind him, watching as his best friend of many years - hurriedly gathered everything he needed - rushing back and forth - getting dressed, putting stuff into the washer. What would happen now? What would happen to their friendship?

Were they even special to each other anymore?

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