25/04/15 - The day I met him

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*Beep beep* My alarm was going off and I was sick of it. I rolled over and quickly turned it off and promptly pulled the covers back over my head and proceeded to try and fall asleep again.

Just as I was drifting off, I remembered that me, the anti-social barely texts anyone teen, had plans to go out today. So, without further ado, I sat up and searched aimlessly for my dressing gown. Before I headed downstairs, I picked up my phone to check for any new notifications and to scroll through my Instagram feed. As I clicked the button to turn it on, I saw one, lone message from Will, it read 'Hey, hope to see you today x'.

For some strange reason, butterflies filled my stomach and I smiled, I swiped to reply and said 'Hi will! Today is gonna be so fun we can do all those plans that we decided on! x' Just before I sent it, I read over it again and shortened it to 'Hi, hope you can fall through with all our plans ;)' It sounded a little more cheeky in my opinion, and hopefully would keep him interested in meeting me today.

It would be nerve racking, instead of the original plans where I would meet him with Jess, I would be meeting him outside the station and we would hang around my mates for around an hour and go off by ourselves. It was terrifying, for some reason this was scarier than the first date I had ever been on, maybe because this time I was actually scared of screwing things up with this guy despite the fact I hadn't met him before.

I saw that he had replied, yet I refused to read what had been said, I didn't want to get too attached in case things didn't work out and he turned out to be a right knob. Instead, I headed off downstairs to go talk to my parents and ask if I could head out with "Jess" and tell them that no boys would be attending. I hated lying, but I wanted to lessen the chance of them cancelling the date.

As usual, I got a wave of questions, when I would be back (about 5) who would be coming (the people I normally go out with once every 3 months) where I would be going (Richmond) etc.

After all of that, I headed back up the stairs, I mean, now I had to choose what I was going to wear! As I got to my cupboard, I knew I would be lost on what to wear. I didn't know what we would be doing today, what if he thinks it's a date and I should wear a dress? What if it gets cold and I should wear a hoodie?

I decided to call Jess, once again, and asked. Almost instantly, she told me to wear the shortest dress I could find, and I grimaced at what kind of impression it would give to this guy. I told her I didn't want to seem easy, and she knew exactly what I should wear. With her help, I wore a stripy white and navy crop top along with a pair of high waisted jeans. She made me put on a pair of flats, because she wanted to make sure I wasn't taller than him, and how wrong of a decision was that.

It was now around 15 minutes before I had to leave, and the butterflies were growing stronger. I felt like cancelling last minute, but he was already on the train to me, so I knew it would be rude and I couldn't back out of it now. Instead, I put on my bag and decided to leave, my mum taking a quick look over what I was wearing and as she began to complain about it not being suitable, I ran out of the door and the sudden wave of heat hit me like when you step out of the aeroplane into a tropical country.

I pulled out my headphones and took the long way to the station, which would take me around 20 minutes. I walked at a casual pace, I didn't want to be early nor did I want to be late, I felt like even the way I walked impacted the impression I made on this guy. I knew I was overthinking things, but I couldn't help it, he seemed like the most genuine guy I had ever encountered around my age, and I knew that it was something that didn't happen too often and I wanted to treasure it.

Halfway through my journey, a guy at around the age of 50 leered out at me and said "Hey, baby want my number" and I literally went bright red in the face and walked straight into a lamp post. I was lucky that it was only him hanging around me, otherwise I would probably die of embarrassment.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2016 ⏰

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25/04/15Where stories live. Discover now