A Life Long Ago [Jimin]

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The sky was dark.

The moon shyly hid behind the heavy clouds, causing the land below to be dim and dreary.

Lights in the street were shining dim and fog surrounded, which gave me an eerie feeling as I stood near the window and stared out onto the empty streets.

I didn't have the lights on inside, the dim light from the moon was enough for me to see around my room anyway. I turned away from the window and my eyes rested on him.

Jimin sat on my bed in silence, staring nervously down at his hands clasped together. I noticed his breathing pattern was out of the ordinary and he seemed agitated, so I took his silence and mood as an indication to talk.

'Are you okay?' I asked as I sat next to him on my bed and tried to look at his eyes, which were glued to his hands.

His chest visibly moved in heavy motions, up and down. I could tell he was nervous about something.

'I need to tell you the truth,' Jimin said in a worried voice as he then began to rub his thighs nervously, keeping his eyes in the same position.

I slowly rose from my bed and folded my arms as I looked down at him, confused, 'What do you mean by the truth?' I asked in a stern tone, trying to hide the fact that I was afraid of what he was about to say.

He looked up at me with worry glossed eyes, 'I can't explain.' He said in a shaky voice.

I tilted my head slightly, but kept my arms in a tight knot, 'What do you mean?' I asked as I slitted my eyes at him.

'I'm not from here,' he said quietly with his eyes locked onto mine, 'I'm not from this time, I'm not from here, I was going to tell you sooner but-'

At those words I interrupted and dropped my arms and placed my hands on my hips, 'You're joking, right?' I said with a nervous laugh, hoping he would quit the act and admit that he was just pulling at my leg.

He continued to stare at me but now with deeper worry in his glazed eyes, his head slowly shook a no as his eyebrows became furrowed.

'I don't know what you mean. I don't understand what you're saying.' I said nervously, although I did know exactly what he meant, I just didn't want to admit that it was the truth. I was hoping it was just a joke.

'I can show you.' He said as he stood up and extended his hand to me, my gaze left his and rested on his extended arm.

'You can't be serious.' I huffed and folded my arms once again, avoiding his extended arm.

'Please,' he insisted, 'let me show you.'

'What do you mean show me? Show me what?'

'Please, trust me.' He pleaded with sincerity in his eyes, I hadn't known him for very long but I knew his heart was true and trustworthy.

I inhaled deeply and nodded before accepting his hand and exhaling, 'Okay.' I tried to say in a stern voice, but it came out in an even more worried tone.

I allowed my feet to move and gulped as I stood next to him, he stared into the mirror in front of us and I did the same.

'What do we do?' I asked, whispering.

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