Sakura's feelings

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On my way back I bumped into Sakura.

"Naruto! I was just looking for you!"

"Hey Sakura! Really? What for?"

"Well there is something I want to tell you"

"You can tell me anything!"

That moment, she looked down at her feet, she seemed kind of sad.

"Sakura, is everything alright?" I told her

"Naruto I don't know how to say this."

"You are scaring me. Is it about Sasuke?"

"It's about you. I am sick of waiting for Sasuke to come back... I need to move on. Naruto, all this time you have been so nice to me... and you have done everything to make me happy when I was depressed...  I see how much you care Naruto."

I wasn't really understanding what she was trying to say. That moment Sakura came closer to me, she looked at me in the eyes and tried to kiss me. Sakura was my crush all this time, when I finally moved on she wanted me. Should I kiss her back? But Hinata...
I stopped her.

"Sakura... I don't feel this way about you."

She did not answer, she was a little shocked and still sad.

"You are great you know, you are smart and beautiful. You like Sasuke though, you have to find someone who will love you and you will love him, sorry, that isn't me. "


"Sakura, you can't just kiss guys who like or liked you in order to get over Sasuke. That is wrong, think about their feelings. You are not the only one here"

"Yes, you... Are right..."

She left, was I harsh? Did I make her feel bad? Well someone should tell her, I hope she doesn't get mad... Hmmm, that was a hard decision to make, I think I made the right choice. I went over to Hinata's house, while I was going to knock n the door, Hinata opened, it looks like she was going out.



"Na-Naruto? What are you doing h-here?" Our bodies were so close, I blushed.

"Hinata! I wanted to talk to you!"

"Re-Really? Tell me"

"Grandma Tsunade has given us a mission"

"Oh, that's ni-nice"

"We have to find a lost scroll in the woods, nothing serious, with your byaku gun we will be alright."

"Yes that's easy"

"So I will see you at the gate in two hours!"

"Yes, of cours-se."

He left, Naruto and I were going on a mission together, that's incredible... Naruto, he is perfect, his smile, his eyes, his strength, everything about him. I know he doesn't like me but that's logical. I am a failure just like father says... He wouldn't want someone like me, he is so powerful, he could have far more better than me. I am just happy to spend time with him.

Oh, Hinata! (Naruto x Hinata)Where stories live. Discover now