Tagged again

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Crazy-Fangirls-Unite has tagged me to do 15 facts about myself! Then tag more people to do it!

1. My Zodiac Sign is Leo

2. My favourite chocolate is Cadbury Marvellous Creations Jelly Popping Candy or whatever it's called!

3. I started this account yesterday

4. I like the taste of blood... Yes I know I'm weird

5. I'm a fangirl... DEFINATLEY

6. My first fandom was Percy Jackson... 5/6 years ago.

7. My newest fandom is Diverent

8. I never thought thinking of 15 facts about myself would be hard.

9. When I wrote that I thought that I was a very boring person.

10. I'm hungry yeah

11. I love learning languages but I think I'm really bad at it.

12. I like Apple products...

13. I'm British

14. I like Cake

15. I'm so glad this is over!

I tag


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