Being Captured

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I know, I know. Don't patronize me. After stressful school and family filled spring break...I didn't update and haven't for a while. So, please enjoy this while I go and update. Currently in school...So...yeah. Here you go, my lovely readers!

Point of View: Perseus Jackson

I slide down Thalia's Pine Tree next to Peleus, who is standing over me protectively as the man advances. 

His target...


Peleus blows blue-green fire at the man and then time freezes around Peleus. Next thing I know, the head of my favorite dragon comes rolling at my feet and I am gazing up at the man.

I am afraid of him, unlike before when I only feared he would hurt the ones I loved. But now, I am so frightened. The look in his eyes, his demeanor, and his expression.

He crouches in front of me and smirks, reaching out to touch the side of my face. I shake, flinching, as his hand glides over my cheek. He chuckles. "Good, it is working. You are coming with me, child and I will hear no complaints over it."

I cower into the tree and he grabs onto my arm, dragging me to my feet. He brings me into his form and I can no longer breathe straight. The fear is tightening around my lungs.

A bright flash of light and my grandfather growls at the figure. "Poseidon."

"Let go of my son!" Poseidon snarls as the rest of the Olympians flash in behind him.

"Not a chance, my boy." Kronos grins evilly.

"Perseus-" Poseidon begins.

"Such a gentle tide." Kronos says softly, slowly smoothing his finger across my jaw and I cringe. "So tender and loving and caring. I wonder how much he can truly endure after so many traumatizing experiences." Kronos looks up from my eyes to his audience.

"Get away from him, father!" Poseidon shouts.

"I don't think so. Hunt us all you like, son, you'll never get him back." Kronos laughs and his grip on my wrists tighten as they are held to his chest.

"Dad-!" I start to yell, but I have to close my eyes as Kronos flashes away with me and we appear in a room where all the evil Titans are kept.

Kronos pulls me even closer and I shiver, causing him to snicker. "You're scared to death of me. Phobos and Deimos did their jobs then. You see, I made them Titans and let them join our little outcast family, but they had to give me something in return. Now, I'll be twisting them together to form someone else entirely. You see, they don't make you have terror or fear, they take-"

"What is inside of you and make it reality." I whisper, finishing what I already know.

Kronos smiles, overly pleased. "Very good. When did you learn that?"

"I-I-" I can't answer. I won't put her in trouble. I won't harm her. He cannot make me answer.

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