A Game of Winners and Losers

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Still not edited or proofread as usual. Sorry... Oh and I love all of you who have left a comment on some of the previous chapters.

Walking through the corridor, Tamaki had to pass the chairman's office. It was quite unavoidable, and he would somehow, without noticing it himself, tense up.

This time, he wasn't the only one who felt a little intimidated or slightly uncomfortable. No, the was slightly ajar, and through the gap, he could see Tsubasa talk with the chairman, his face white as a sheet. Tsubasa's ghastly expression and rigid body language made Tamaki wonder what on earth the chairman, his father could have said to the poor boy. Tamaki reached out his hand for the doorknob, but stopped, and retraced it. Maybe, he should observe for a moment? He sneaked a little closer to the door, something a gentleman wouldn't have done.

He saw Tsubasa nod to himself, his movements awfully mechanic and stiff. He quickly turned around, and Tamaki almost had a heart attack from the insufficient time to hide himself and his shameful behaviour of eavesdropping, but Tsubasa didn't notice him. Instead, he collapsed on the floor, and both Suohs were left astonished, which quickly turned to worry and distress.

Tamaki barged in, forgetting his etiquette and scooped Tsubasa up in his arms.

"Please, call an ambulance!"

Without his son yelling, he had already done it and Tsubasa was soon driven to the nearest hospital with two Suohs in tow. Tsubasa was thoroughly examined and the others had somehow heard the news and been able to arrive before Tsubasa was rolled out again with three doctors following him. He still hadn't woken up.

They all looked expectantly and slightly anxious at the doctors, but they just smiled, "don't worry about her. She's just malnourished and stressed, nothing a good night sleep and adequate food can't heal."

Relief washed over them and smiles broke out on all of their faces as they glanced at each other to reassure that they weren't just dreaming up the good news.

"However," the doctor said with a stern face as he glanced at her chart, "I can tell, she hasn't only been malnourished for a short while."

"Wait... 'She'?" Hikaru asked as he looked at the long blue haired sleeping beauty surrounded by white. A vein popped.

"Are you insane? 'She'? Tsubasa is a girl! Are you sure you didn't mix up the chart with some random patient just because our Tsubasa looks slightly like girl?!" Hikaru yelled, and Kaoru had to shush him numerous times to remind his twin, that they were still in a hospital.

All but one froze and the colour drained from their face, had the doctor really made a mistake? They turned to look at the three doctors in their white coats. Was Tsubasa really gravely ill? The three doctors tried to maintain a professional smile on their face, while Yuzuru almost let out a frustrated scream on the inside, while maintaining a perfect exterior of composed calm.

"Yes, I'm sure. She has two X chromosomes," he smiled and said mockingly, "the definition of a girl."

Maybe that was the cue for Tsubasa to wake up or maybe it was all just a coincidence, but she did wake up, her face still pale.

"Why are you screaming so loud?" She asked as she slowly sat up, her hand massaging her temples. The whole world was spinning before her eyes. Strands of blue hair seemed to glint in the sunlight as they laid sprayed out on the white blanket. How has she managed to hide hair so long? the host club asked in their minds, even Haruhi had to cut her brown smooth hair.

"These doctors claim that you're a girl," Kaoru said softly. He always thought Tsubasa had feminine features and now that the doctors had claimed that Tsubasa had actually been a girl all along, there really wasn't anything to say.

She only looked blankly at them, "yes, I am."

The most surprised of them all, Tamaki, stood in the middle of the group, frozen to the floor like a statue, and his father sighed internally at how dumbfounded and ridiculous his son looked. Only Kyouya and Mori looked indifferent. Somehow, Kyouya wasn't very satisfied with this outcome. It didn't make sense that Tsubasa's files were inaccessible just because of a measly reason like this. He glanced at the man of all the knowledge he had been looking for, the latter just returned his curious glance with a smile.

"Did they draw blood?" Tsubasa asked as she looked at the blanket clenched in her hands.

Yuzuru Suoh, the chairman nodded silently.

"Then I guess it's in the database now."

He nodded once again and Tsubasa only wanted to lay down again and never wake up. Trouble seems to follow her everywhere.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Hikaru asked as he looked incredulously at his "friend". She noticed the distrust and understood that she must've hurt his feelings.

"I have my reasons. I'm sorry."

"Tell us, we will help you," Tamaki said after finally being able to defrost himself and from remembering all the stupid things he had done to her.

"No it's fine. I've already lost the game. I'm the loser." She muttered with a cynical smile and a dark look in her electric blue eyes.

"What do you mean?" Haruhi asked kindly as she knelt down besides the bed. She looked at the others for help when Tsubasa didn't answer.

Yuzuru Suoh interfered, "I think, you will do most benefit by leaving Tsubasa-San to her rest." His expression was stern and meant to be obeyed. None said anything. Tamaki stared at his father. He knew something they didn't.

"I'll stay here to handle the paperwork." It was a smooth excuse, and not one from the group noticed his casual way of basically throwing them out of the private room he had arranged with the hospital. Only Kyouya thought it suspicious. He would uncover the truth with his own abilities. He was determined to do so and he would succeed.

Or that was what he thought. Returning to the school, he had immediately done tremendous research with help from the Ootori database, but there still wasn't anything. While The Host Club was trying to continue club activities as usual, Tamaki was regretting not stepping in earlier. Seeing Tsubasa in the hospital with the accustomed white clothes on and not his- he stopped his thoughts and changed it to 'her', not seeing her with her usual baggy clothes and hoodies, it was evident that she was too thin to be eating balanced. All of the regular customers could somehow feel the depressing atmosphere in the room and it was hard to get a word out or even get the attention of the hosts. They were all off in their own thoughts, regretting their inability to see how much Tsubasa was suffering. Even the usual sweets and cake wasn't enough to induce a smile on Honey's face.

It was only the next day, with the disappearance of Tsubasa, that they were finally told the truth, and it not something one of them had expected.


@gonzalyse I saw your comment and I guess if you read this chapter, then it's evident that she doesn't have an incurable disease, not yet anyway 🤔 thanks for commenting!

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