It's too late

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"All these years of slitting my wrist

Hoping it would take me somewhere

other then this..."

Cutting open doorways on my body

Waiting for the demons to seep out

But i have learned

That they are not ready

They tell me to keep cutting

Just incase they decide to leave

Tell me to stay away from everyone

Keep OUR secret safe

Tell me that ONE day

He will break loose

And share his power,and wisdom with everyone else

But for now he needs time to revive

Staying close beside my heart

Feeding off it's warmness

But slowly it deteriates

And turns bitter and icy


That final 1 last beat

That gets his heart racing!

(Like a touch down at a football game)

Then once he has nothing left to take

As a mistooken rookie cuts him self

For the very first time!

The boy feels ashamed and wants to stop

But what he didnt know was that

That 1 little slice

Was the doorway for his demons

To let themselves in

To settle themselves.

And laugh at his troubles

Slowly but quickly leading him to his death

Tells me i am special

That he is the only 1 who cares for me

That he will take good care of me

Aslong as i do as i am told

Then turns on me

When in my darkest of days

I become his slave

No longer filling me with courage

But with aknollegments of my insecurities

And deepest fears

As miserable time dreads by

I try to think of ways to end this torture

But by then it is already to late...

That final dip ,and drop of my heart

Then it freezes...

Like a jet hurling towards it's fate

Due to engine problems

Then crashes into nothing

Where noone finds you

Your all alone

By now the demons are screaching with excitement

As if it were movie,a game

And i was just a pawn in the plan

For there cruel selfish enjoyment

Once i was gone

There was nothing and noone

Not even my demons

I was betrayed and heart broken

I used to love to be alone

Now that im all alone here

In this black nothingness

I relize ...

I want to go home

I want to see my mom and dad

Even the bullies at my school...

But it is too late now

I should have never took that moodswing slice of destiny

But it's too late.

-Thanks for reading my poem c;

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2014 ⏰

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