Engaging readers

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      Someone recently asked for tips on how to gain more readers, and hot to engage them more, to get them to vote, comment, just all around love your work. There are a few ways you can achieve this. one way? market your book. I don't mean literally sell it, but in a sense, that's exactly what you have to do. You need to tell the readers why it's so amazing, why they should be reading it. You know when you pick up a hard copy book, they have that excerpt on the back that makes you want to find out more about the story? You need to have a great one as well, one that makes people click into your story. That right there is the first step. You can have an amazing pull line, and it'll draw in readers like crazy. But then, you gotta live up to it, Which is the next step.

     You gotta make your story have a great pull chapter. You don't wanna just give out information about who your character is, and what's wrong in their life in the first chapter, sometimes you do, but usually, those that start out that way are not very successful stories. You gotta have some type of drama in the first chapter. Now i don't mean break ups, or yelling or fighting, but something that makes you go Awwwwww, or tear up, or leaves you wondering what the hell you just read. Take my book The Street Fighter for example. My very first chapter I make people either cry, or feel sorry for my main character, and then they read on to wonder what else happened to him. That is your second pull. if you can get those two, your most likely to keep your readers. 

      My third thing, you already read my other tips, so i won't get into that bit, but it all does play a roll. Now, by this point, you are wanting your readers to engage themselves, to make comments, to vote, to cry, to laugh, to let you know they felt something during this book or even chapter by chapter. How do you do this? you make it relatable. You have humor in it that makes people actually laugh out loud when reading it, you leave people on cliff hangers (that make sense),  you introduce new characters at the end of a chapter and leave it there till people ask who they are. There are plenty ways like this to engage your readers.

      Another way to get people to  comment? hold contests, or ask the readers questions and tell them to leave their reply in the comments. Maybe further on into the story, if your one of the newer writers, you can ask people to ask your characters questions, to converse with your characters. Have them leave questions in the comment box, and then post the questions on the end of your next chapter. If there's one thing readers like, other than being interacted with and breaking the 4th wall, it's seeing their names and questions on one of your chapters.

      And another way? if theres group discussions about books on wattpad, you can post your book there, and people will look it up. You can promote it on twitter, or Facebook. Use hashtags, they really work. ask your readers to share your work if they really like it. Comments, votes and reads help your book already on wattled, it'll start automatically being shown to new readers if you get good ratings with views and votes. another thing? don't be discouraged. All new books/new writers don't get reads and votes right away, it's not because it's not good, it's just because theres not enough data on out yet for it to be noticed. the longer its out, the more it's noticed :) 

Well, i hope this helped! Let me know if you guys think of more tips you want! I appreciate all suggestions. Even just comment if this has helped you at all :) 

Thanks for reading! you guys are awesomesauce.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2016 ⏰

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