Chapter 44

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Ashley's POV

I mean, maybe that all was a dream. Maybe I'm going fucking crazy. Yeah... I'm going to crazy. I haven't left bed or shall I call it "bed" in over a week my mom had told me. Yah know... Maybe I should go to a psycho hospital. Eh, I'll think about it. What I do know is that I need help. I can't go on with my life knowing all that was fake. I really really really loved life, Now.... Not so much to be honest. All of this that everyone is telling me makes me feel dumb and useless. Yeah, Yeah I shouldn't be saying this stuff about myself but it's true. Am I really going crazy? Yeah.. I think I am. I'm calling for help.

Ashley: Hey mom?

Monica: Ashley! Nice to see you outta bed.

Ashley: I want to go to an insane asylum.

Monica: What?

Ashley: Mom this is all just a fucking dream and maybe if they drug me and I get all loopy I will go back to my old life. I miss my old life!!

Monica: Okay yeah. You're going crazy. Pack your stuff lets go.

Ashley's POV

Damn. My mom has never gave up on me like that. No Ashley! She did! Because this is just a fucking dream God damnit!  I packed my shit up put my phone in my back pocket and drove to the crazy home. Sorry. Insane asylum. I think that's what they'd want me to call it.

There I go. Didn't see me going this way in life but it's happening. I fill out some papers and say goodbye to my mom, they give me some sweat pants and a baggy shirt and showed me to my room. My room is an ugly grey and all there is in there was a bed, a very flat bed, a drawer and a night stand next to my bed. Damn this is gunna suck why did I do this? Oh yeah I remember. BECAUSE IM CRAZY! I sit in my bed and just put my head in my hands. How did I get here.. Why me....

A little later a nurse came in and asked me if I wanted to go and play board games. Right now I'm still sober off of the loopy pills... For right now.. I tell her okay and I walk with her into a room with a few people that looked fucked up... Now I was officially scared. And I don't get scared. There was this young lady that had dark circles under her eyes and she was playing with her hair swaying back and forth. There was this other guy drooling all over himself holding a stuffed bear. God I hope I don't get affected like these guys...

A few days later

I have dark circles under my eyes. My hair looked like a rats nest. I could control what I thought in my head but I couldn't control what I did physically. So yes, I would fidget... A lot... But in my head I realized this was not okay. So now, I will try my hardest to not even take the pills. I mean. They don't even check if we take the pills. They tell you to swallow and then leave. Now Imma just keep it in my cheek or under my tongue and spit it out when they leave.

I did it the next time she gave me the pills and I don't think I liked it. I felt a little normal again. I kept thinking of Kat and the twins. I couldn't handle it anymore I just broke down into tears. I miss them so much and this place is shit. Maybe if I get hit by a car again and go into a coma I can go see my family again!! I've got to get out of here! I started taking the pills again and I was trying to keep my idea in my mind but it had to fucking come right out of my mouth.

Ashley: When I get out of here I'm going to get hit by a car so I can go see my wife and kids!

Nurse: Ashley did your family die?

Ashley: No everyone keeps telling me they aren't real but they are I know they are!

Nurse: Well you're not getting out of here soon then. Go to bed Ash. Goodnight.

Ashley: But I have to go see-

Then she shut the door in my face. I went to go lay down and I just sat there and thought to myself, why the hell did I tell her!? Now I'm never getting out of here! I would've been better not in here. Shit if I never asked about coming here I could leave the house right now and get hit. I just want to be in a coma....

The next day I was out in the lobby thing and was talking to a girl. Remember the girl I was describing earlier? Yeah, her. I was telling her about my plan and she snapped at me and realized that idea was not good.

Annabel (the girl): Ashley what if you die!? You know there's a good chance you wouldn't be in a coma and you just fucked up your life again!?

That hit me hard. I never thought about it that way. I hate the direction I'm going in life. I'm going to turn myself around. I'm going to do my best in here and get out then I'm going to get a job. A real wife. And have real kids! Because the others are just fake!!! Fuck my old life I can make this one better than that one!

I finally got myself to stop thinking about the BVB family and thinking and planning out the life I will have when I get out of this hell hole. I swear I didn't think this place was that bad but holy shit I hate it here. And so does Annabel. What if I marry her!?!

I've gotta start planning!!!! I'm remember her telling me a bit about how she loves homemade stuff so I'll make her my own ring and I will brush out my hair and make myself, yah know, look like myself and ask her to marry me. This is great!!! I can't believe I am finally over that stupid fucking dream and realize this is my new life.

2 years later

I live with Annabel and we are both finally out of that crazy home. We have a beautiful daughter and her name is Kyanna Marie Purdy. She's so gorgeous. I'm so happy with my new and exciting life. Annabel leaned into to kiss me and I seen a huge flash and I...

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