Chapter 16 "An Arranged Marriage Secret"

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Violeta's POV:

As I sit in the dining hall picking at the totally bloody and raw steak sitting on the plate in front off me, I think about what is taking Derick so long to get here so I then excuse myself, and walk out of the dining hall. I walked down the hallway to explore a little more since I didn't get to explore much when I first arrived. I then pass the throne room and as I do I hear voices I hear a man with a deep voice that might be my true father -the King-, I hear my mothers soft caring voice -the Queen-, and I then hear another voice I don't recognize, I then concentrate on trying to hear what they are saying and then It worked I heard everything.

"Your Majesties please I don't think she is ready to be crowned queen at the coronation, I mean she just found out she is a vampire let alone a vampire princess, I really don't think she is ready to become the queen. She doesn't even know how to act like a queen or a princess yet. I really do think you should let Ellie become the queen and then let Violeta be the queen after Ellie and plus Violeta doesn't know how to control her magic yet, and does she even know she has magic?" a voice said

"That is not necessary, Violeta will be queen and she will learn how to become queen we just need to give her time to adjust and no she doesnt know she has magic yet." the king said

"Indeed, I agree with Drac, our Violeta will be come the next Queen of the vampires, she is the true heir of the throne, and along side her will be the king we chosen for her." the queen said

"You mean you already arranged a marriage for Violeta, my queen?" asked a voice

"Yes indeed I did the king and I have already chosen." the queen said

"An arranged marriage, my mother and father have arranged me to marry some guy I don't even know, that's insane." I said to my self but I am thinking they heard me because the next thing I heard was my father saying "Someone is outside that door, spying on our conversation." and when I tried to run I think I froze  because I couldn't move and then the next thing I know is the doors to the throne room burst open from am gust of wind and then I unfroze and hid behind the wall. My father then said "I know you are out there, show your self intruder now." and once my father said know he said it in a loud and scary way and I had no choice but to come out so I did so. I walked out from behind the wall and my parents looked at me with relief.

"Violeta, dear you startled us, your father might have almost torn you to pieces. But why were you their? Did you want to ask one of us something?" my mother asked in a sweet, soft, caring tone in her voice

"Um, actually yes I did." i said

"Well then go on sweetie" my mother said

"Ok here i go, What the hell is this whole talk about an arranged marriage? If you too think i am going to marry some stranger i don't even know you two are so mistaken. I don't want to know what you two were thinking i mean come one becoming queen at 16 is one thing that i would definitely do but getting  married at 16 hell no, i am sixteen years old i want to have boyfriends and everything and i definitely don't want to be married and be strapped down because i am married.  So i do not want to have an marriage at all, i want to marry the person i love and who i  want to spend the rest of my life with and have a family of my own." i said in frustration

"Oh um sweetie how much did you hear of that conversation?" my mother asked

"Oh well i don't know maybe the whole part about me becoming queen that i should't, ans that i am not ready to be queen, i need time, the marriage thing, the whole i have magic thing, so basically all of it."

"Ok well sweetie did you hear the part about you already picked the person you want to marry?" my mother asked

"Um no i didn't and what do you mean about the thing were i already picked out the person i already am marrying?" i ask

"Oh well i don't know guess you'll find out and see who are going to marry on you wedding day, no go to you baby room i re decorated it, it is know a average teenage girl room." my mother said

"OMG really thanks mom your the best, bye" I said and ran off to my room

In the throne room Derick walks up and said what is it you need your majesty?" he asked

"Oh yes Derick, well i have to tell you that Violeta has a arranged marriage that is coming up and i just want you to know she picked out her fiance already." the king said

"Oh ok sir um what do i have to do, get the decorations, call some people to invite, get wedding planners?" Derick asked

"No, Derick your not getting the point, she picked her fiance and her fiance is her protector, so your her fiance but you cant tell her its a surprise." the king said

"Wait what, are you serious, but why me i mean i am just  a knight in training, not a prince, and definitely not king to be." Derick said

"Derick, i see the way she looks at you, and i see the way you look at her, you guys are meant to be, its destiny. Derick you and Violeta have a special thing, you and Violeta are zinged, the way Violeta looks in your eyes tells me that she loves you and they way you look into hers you love her, and especially the way you guys looked at each other earlier today during her training tells me you guys love each other but haven't figured that out yet, i mean earlier today you guys were going to kiss but i got in the way of that which i didn't mean, but you two are meant to be you two are in love and i never seen that type of love in this kingdom before except me and Drac. So your her fiance and she cant know that, but i want you to go into her room and give that kiss you were going to give her before i interrupted that moment earlier she deserves to be happy, and if you cant help it and the you being her fiance secret slips out that is fine, but if you want to tell her you can, but the king and i want it to stay a secret if it can." the queen said

"Your majesty you really think we belong together? And i should become her fiance, and go to her and give her what we both deserve?"

"Yes, Derick I do now go to her get what you two deserve" the queen said

Derick left the the throne room and ran to Violeta's room and opened the door luckily Violeta wasn't changing or anything. Violeta then looks up startled a little bit and then asks "Derick whats up is everything ok is something wrong?" 

"No Violeta there is nothing wrong i just need to tell you something." Derick said

"Ok then what is it?" Violeta asked

"I...I...we... um... You know what i better at doing this than talking" he said

Derick then gets closer to Violeta and then pulls her in and kisses her on the lips, Violeta is startled at first, but then joins in with the kiss and then Violeta remembers she is getting married and pulls back and said "Derick i can't, i mean i want to but i cant, we cant do this, my parents set me up for an arranged marriage and i just cant." Derick replies "Yeah i know your having and arranged marriage and i now who your fiance is you want to know who he is?"

"Yes i want to know who my fiance is for the arranged marriage" Violeta said

Just as Violeta said that Zoey was walking down the hallway and over heard so she hid behind a wall to find out who the fiance is for the arranged marriage and just as she stayed their to listen Derick answered the question. "Your fiance to your arranged marriage is... Me, i am your fiance" Zoey's mouth dropped open and then Violeta answered "Omg really your my fiance?" Derick nodded "Well in that case i don't see why not this thing we were doing cant happen" Violeta said, and then after Violeta said that her and Derick start making out and then while they are making out they slowly fall on top of the bed one on top of the other, and as they are making out and ripping each others clothes off, Zoey is standing outside in front of the door way still behind a wall with her mouth open wide and a disgusted look on her face, she wants to look away but cant until Violeta puts her hand up and then closes the door with her magic and locks it and Zoey cant see them anymore or see what they are doing but she already knows what they could be doing behind a closed and locked door on top of Violeta's bed. 

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