Chapter 1

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Ashley's P. O. V.

"Happy birthday! I can't believe you're 16 now! You've grown up so fast baby!" My mom yelled as she and my father woke me up. And just like every year they have a camera to take a picture of when I blow out the candles. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and sat up in my bed.
"Yeah mom. Thanks. You've said that for the past three years." I said with a slight laugh.
"And each year I'll get even happier! And then you'll get closer to finding your mate! " She yelled in a high pitched squill. "Now blow out the candles!" She said. "Hun get ready to take the picture!" She told my father while hitting his arm. I just smiled at my mom and then at my dad. I knew what I wanted to wish for. So with my wish in mind I closed my eyes and made my wish. I then heard clapping from my mom as she looked at the picture on the camera. "Awwww. Sweetie this picture is wonderful!" My mom says. I just gave her a smile. "Now hurry up and get dressed. Breakfast is almost ready." She said and then she walked out my room.
"Happy birthday baby." My dad said while giving me a smile and then walking out himself and shutting the door behind him. Wow. My 16th birthday. How time has passed. I quickly get out of bed and walked into my walk in closet. I grabbed some black skinny jeans, a white tank top, and white high tops. I then go into my bathroom and fresh up. I decided on keeping my hair straight for the day. Basically because I didn't feel like having to tame my curls. I walk down stairs and into the dining room. My mom smiled at me and went back to cooking. "Mmm. This smells great mom. How long have you been up making this?" I asked her as I reached my hand out to grab a peice of bacon. She then slaps my hand away and then says, "I've been up since 8 this morning. Now go sit down and I'll bring you your food." I do as I was told. As I sit down I see my best friend Caleb walk in and sit at the table to. He also happens to be the next to be beta. Which means once both him and I come of age we will take our father's positions. Me as Alpha and him as Beta. Then the soon to be third in command walks in and sits to. Or more formally known as the soon to be Delta. "Morning Caleb, and Derek. Did you two sleep good?" I ask being the nice soon to be Alpha that I am.
"Good." They both say. Then my mom walks in with my food. She sets it down in front of me as two more woman walk in with plates for Caleb and Derek. They look to me. Its known to be disrespectful to your Alpha if you take a bite of food before them unless you have permission from them. I give them both a nod and we all dig in.

After we were done eating my mom came in. "Are y'all done already? Good now get out. We have to set up for tonight." she said without giving us the chance to reply so we all stood up and walked out the door.

Once I stepped out the door I started to get this uneasy feeling. "So Alpha what you wanna do?" Asked Derek.

"Oh um. How about y'all go do something. Im feeking a little uneasy okay guys." I said.

"Um yeah Alpha. Hope you get feeling better." Said Derek. I nodded to the two of them and started to walk off into the woods.

This is usually what I do when I need time alone or something.

I walked to my favorite meadow. It just so happens to have a small waterfall that leads to a big pond. Im usually the only one here.

I was about to go into the water when I started to feel dizzy. Thats weird I never get dizzy. Then I knew what was happening. I kneeled down on my knee's preparing my self for the pain to come. I felt my bones breaking and reforming to fit my wolfs form. The pain was agony. I was to far away for anyone to hear. So my screaming in agony didnt really do anything. It just showed my pain. No one was coming to help me. So I delt with it.

After all the pain was gone I looked at my hands. They were covered in pure white fur.

'Hello Ashley. My name is Carly and I'm your wolf. I have to say I have been waiting to come out for a while. Why dont we go over to the pond and look at our reflection.' I walked over to the pond and looked in. Wow. I was a complete pure white wolf.

"Carly aren't pure white wolfs really rare?"

'Yes they are. And we just so happen to be one of those rare wolfs. Arent you excited!' Said Carly.

"Yeah I am. I can't wait to tell my parents! They'll be so proud!" I said. Carly was about to reply but we heard a scream. I instantly ran in the direction the scream was. Then I smelt it. That wonderful smell. Mmm. The smell of roses and candy. Then the scream came again. I ran faster and the smell got stronger, and the screams were louder. Then I saw it. A wolf was stalking towards a little girl. They weren't apart of this pack either. Our wolfs had brown fur. This one had black fur. He was trespassing. The little girl wasn't from here either. She had blood all over her though. I knew it wasn't her's. It smelt familiar to her but the scent was from an older woman and man. Maybe it was her parents blood. I don't know. The wolf barked at her and she screamed again. I couldn't take it anymore and I jumped out in front of her. This wolf was clearly full grown but I was about the same size as him. I growled at him showing him I was superior. He growled back. He clearly was stupid. I was about to jump on him when another wolf got in between us. He looked back at me and looked me in the eyes. It was my father. "Get her back to the pack house." he said in my mind. I nodded and turned back around to the girl. I then thought about my human form and shifted back. And boy I was thankful that when we shift back to our human form that we are in tribal clothes. Which are like clothes made from like your wolf kinda. Its your wolfs fur but turned into little cloth peices that covers enough for nothing to be seen. "Hey there. Look I need to get you out of here okay. So I'm going to shift back and I want you to climb on my back." I said while never making eye contact with her just to make sure no one else was coming.

I shifted back and lowered my self down so she could get on. As soon as she touched me sparks flew though my body. This little girl was my mate.
Now I really had to get her out of here. I started moving and her grip tightened on my fur. The faster I ran the harder she held onto me. I made it to the pack house in record time. I shifted in front of the door and opened it. She was still on my back holding on for dear life. I walked in and walked to the dining area.

"Hey you can sit down now. I'll get you some water. Would you like that?" I asked. And she nodded her head.

I walked in the kitchen and got a glass for her. Then I got her some water.

"No please don't hurt me. Please I didn't do anything wrong. " She said. I knew that was my mates voice. I huried to the dining area and found Caleb and Derek towering over her tiny frame.

I jumped and shifted in mid air and landed in the space between them. I then grolwed protectivly for my mate. They wouldn't hurt her. No one would. They tried to stand their ground but I kept growling and soon they submitted to me.

I shifted back and turned to my mate. "Are you okay?" I asked. She nodded her head yes. I walked to the side of her and gave her the water. She chugged the water down and handed me the glass.

"Thank you." She said. Her voice was pure music to my ears.

"Um... Alpha Ashley? That was you. But your only 16. Your not of age to shift yet. How? How is that possible?" Asked Caleb.

"I just so happen to be one of those pure white wolfs Caleb. That's why I shifted early. To show my power." I told him. He just nodded like he was taking in every piece of information that he could.

I turned back to my mate. "Would you like to go to the pack doctor? Just so I can make sure your not hurt." I asked and she nodded her head yes.

I put my hand on the small of her back leading her to the pack doctor. I could sense she had shifter blood in her so there was no use in keeping things like this a secret.

We walked in the docors office and he stood up right away. "Why young Alpha I see you have shifted. And who is this?" He asked clearly directed to my mate.

"Oh um. My name is Alexandria. I'm not from here." She said while looking down. Clearly sad about whatever happened.

"Okay Alexandria. Let's get you clean so I can properly examine you." Said the pack doctor.

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