Chapter Thirteen

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Amelia's POV-

I woke up with a bare Hansol laid across my also bare chest, I looked down and saw his silky brown hair tangled in the locket he bought me when we first met, I tried my best to get it out but ended up waking him up in the process.

'Hey babe' he said as he nuzzled his face into my neck, his sleepy, husky voice was so irresistible. 'What time is it??' he asked, I looked at the clock and expected to see something around 7am, but instead it was 11am.

'SHIT' we both said in synchronization. This date was quite obviously NOT set up by Pledis, so we would be lucky to get out without any paps catching us, and if they did and Pledis found out we would be so dead, and I would definitely be on the next plane to the UK.

'Mimmmssss' he said cuddling me as I tried to get out of bed

'Hans, what are you doing, have you seen the time?!!' I was trying to decline but it was such a tempting offer.

'Please, just a cuddle, no funny business ;)' he smirked, he is such a bad liar. 

I looked at the clock and then at Han's beautiful, angelic face, the back at the clock and then back at his face.

'Ah fuck it..' I said with a grin on my face, as I straddled his waist and leant down to kiss his lips.


'Okay, okay, that was fun, but on a serious note we really need to get up and get dressed.' I said, trying to be the responsible one.

'Fine jagiya whatever you say,' he replied. I couldn't help but smile to myself when he called me such cute names. I rose from the huge king size bed and took a look around the huge hotel room, it was completely stunning. I turned around to see Hansol still tucked up in bed staring at my naked body.

"Hey!!!!' I said throwing the nearest soft thing I could find at him, which unfortunately turned out to be my dress. He immediately grabbed it and kept hold of it.

'Kiss me and you can have it back' he said. 

I kissed him softly and then pulled away and raised my eyebrows as if to say 'give me it back now'. He giggled, pecked me on my nose and returned my dress to me.

'How I managed to get a girl like you I will never know' He mumbled to himself as he got up from the bed, slid his boxers on and ran his hands through his hair. He is so sweet. I couldn't help but look at his toned and tan body and think how I managed to get a boy like him. I suddenly snapped out of it and put my dress on and called an uber to come and pick us both up.

'Time to do the walk of shame ;)' I said as I looked at him in his suit he had on from last night. Except some of the buttons were undone on his shirt, along with his bowtie and his hair was no longer slick back but for some reason I found him ten times hotter like that.

'No walk with you would be a shameful one, kitten.' He replied.

We hurried into the uber, hand in hand and worked out a way to get in to the Pledis building without anyone seeing. Luckily Hansol didn't have practice today so we didn't have to think of an excuse as to why he was late.

We got into the dorms successfully without no one seeing us, he walked me to my door and kissed me on the cheek, he is such a gentleman, I just couldn't get enough.

'I'm gonna go get a shower and get changed out of this suit, I will meet you later, I've had such an amazing night with you Mims, I love you' He said with such sincerity.

'So have I, I love you too.' I replied.

As soon as I got in and closed the door, I squealed put some tunes on and danced because I was so happy, I literally had found the boy of my dreams, It's a shame that we had to keep it all I secret because I just wanted to tell everyone. But the on person I didn't have to keep it from was India. I checked my phone for the first time in 24 hours, well I suppose I was busy with other things ;).

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