The Truth

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I opened my eyes slowly. I found out that is was in a room. I got up quick. Yu said "don't get up so quick relax." The pain just rose from my back to my head to my feet. "Im gonna get Kikyo be back" Yu said. 10 minutes came by and at last they came. I saw Kikyo. Kikyo came in and started to walk in my direction. He sat next to me. "You are The Princess of Diamio's But you don't have memory of anything on that land. Mia whose taking care of you is not your mother. She a friend of your real mother." I couldn't hold my tear back. So I cried in front of them. Kikyo rapped his arms around me and try to comfort me."Why... If you knew the why didn't you tell me and what are you to me" I said. "Because if we told you then you"ll be in danger" Kikyo calmly said. "But either way I'm still in danger. We went to school every since 6th grade. You should trust me by now" I said with tears. Kikyo wiped my tears. "Well your mother wanted you to have a normal life until you finish highschool. But, the time came to quick in 9th grade instead the last day in 12th grade" Yu said. At that moment I got out if the bed and started to walk. Suddenly a flash back. A of them they were young and I remeber that Kikyo and Yu are two years older than me. Suddenly when I didn't see the memory. I tried to wake up. Little by little, I heard Yu's voice. "Get up... Whats wrong with her?" I opened my eyes and I saw Yu. It felt like he was holding me. So finally my eye were wide open and Yu and Kikyo asked "Are you ok?" I said "Yea." Yu asked "What happen?" I did know what to say. "I had a vision of you two playing with me when I was 6 years old" I said. They were shocked. "Do you remember what I said to you? What I promised you." Yu said. "No" I said. Then hopes that your memories will come back soon. Now get a rest tomorrow is a new day to figure out who you really are." Yu said. "Goodnight Luna" they both said.

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